I just want to ask that on my game bar friend list if I don’t select anyone can they show me up. Or somebody has selected anybody in my account
Preparing for the Twins Day Festival
Time is moving fast and Tiffi has not yet registered for the Twins Day Festival. She decides to find out more about this event. “Hey guys, are we still going to attend the Twins Days Festival?” questions Tiffi. Let’s check it out together. This is what it says about their mission.” “Mission To provide fundraising…
Tiffi reads the FAQs
Tiffi clicks on the ‘FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS’ to learn more about this event. Is the Twins Days Festival only for twins? What about non-identical twins? Is this festival only for children? Can my friend/mom/spouse come too? Do we have to dress alike to attend? I see everyone talking with each other, and I feel awkward…
Twins Days 2020: “The Roaring TWINties!”
What could this theme be? She reads on ……………. “HAPPY 2020 twins, triplets, and multiples and all of our Twins Days Family! “2020” sounds a lot like “twinty twinty” and thus presents a very unique opportunity to celebrate a big calendar year; one that’s very special and will never happen again! With this in mind, the Twins…
Easter part 2
Hi again so this is pt 2 of Easter hope you enjoy and look out for pt 3! After Nutcrackers first day as Mr Toffees assistant Nutcracker was tired out he didn't want to hurt Mr Toffees feeling but inside he didn't want to be his assistant anymore and this is because Mr Toffee asked him if he could be his assistant for…
According to Wikipedia
Tiffi wants to learn more about this era so she types in “roaring 20s” in the Google search. Wow! There is quite a bit of information on this. She clicks on the first article and begins to read. ‘The Roaring Twenties (sometimes stylized as the Roarin’ Twenties) refers to the decade of the 1920s in Western society and…
First news broadcast
“In 1920, the first radio news station was broadcasted, giving way to a whole new world in media sharing. A San Francisco newspaper reported in 1922, “there is radio music in the air, every night, everywhere. Anybody can hear it at home on a receiving set, which any boy can put up in an hour.” The radio created a…
Women’s rights
“Also, during 1920, after a 72-year struggle, women finally gained the right to vote. WWI had just come to an end in 1918, and from 1918 to 1919, influenza took some 50-100 million persons. Countless women were still reeling from losing brothers and husbands. To the Suffragette’s dismay, the young women of the 1920’s did…
The jazz movement
Wow Tiffi never realized that the 1920s had brought about so much change. She continues her search and comes across some information about jazz. “The Jazz movement spawned in the post-WWI world, capitalizing on dancing and nightlife. Radio Broadcast and recording technology helped to launch the popularity of this new music…
Bessie Smith
Tiffi finds some information on Bessie Smith who was a pioneer in the music industry. “Bessie Smith was a pioneer in music and a pioneer in the plight of the American women. She sang about drinking, drugs, alcohol, sex, and even bisexuality. As the African American female wrote and sang about blasphemous topics, America’s…