Tiffi packs for her trip
When Mr. Toffee comes home from work, Tiffi tells him that she is going to spend a few days with Kimmy. She explains to him that a couple of really neat event ideas were posted in the Candy Crush Friends Saga community. One of them has caught her eye and she wants to track down Genie Jellybeanie to find out if he’d be…
Tiffi arrives in Soda World
Tiffi is up at the crack of dawn. Even before Mr. Toffee wakes up. She leaves him a note saying that she will call him when she gets to Soda World. A couple of hours later she arrives in Soda World and Kimmy is waiting for her. Of course, we already know Tiffi and her high energy level. She begins chatting away without…
Remember the time when ……..
Kimmy was really worried about Tiffi at that time. She didn’t find him to be very helpful until she met up with him again at the Palm Sugar Oasis. Kimmy remembers him telling her, ‘I met her acquaintance a long time ago. Of course, I can take you to Tiff. I'm a Genie! Hold on! Time travel can be bumpy.’ She remembers being…
Sharing memories
The next morning Tiffi wakes up bright and early and she is surprised to see her sister already in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Tiffi begins to share her memories with Kimmy. She recalls meeting up with Genie Jellybeanie in Sweettopia. He was telling her about the Factory Manager and how this was the center of the…
Genie Jellybeanie loves the idea!
The girls meet up with the genie at his Cotton Candy Castle. “Hi Genie Jeallybeanie, how are you today?” says Tiffi. “I am wondering if you can help us with some of your magic. There is this one idea that has been posted in the Candy Crush Friends Saga Ideas area. My interpretation of his idea is that the studio should…
Sharing thoughts on the wish candy
Kimmy shrugs off her sad feelings and starts to think about the type of wish candy that the studio could create. “How about a new lollipop as a wish candy?” she questions. Of course, our energetic Tiffi has more to say about the wish candy. “Oh, Kimmy that’s a good idea,” Tiffi says. “But maybe we should also look for a…
Analysis, Theories and facts about our favorite Candy Crush Characters - Olivia
Hello everyone. Welcome to another 'Analysis, Theories and facts about our favorite Candy Crush Characters' with me, the one and only game expert of your heart, Sofia. Let's start with this question: 'What exactly is pink, it lives in the sea and has 8 tentacles' (mmm...did I say 8 tentacles? Oh well, 5 tentacles at all.)…
Analysis, Theories and facts about our favorite Candy Crush Characters - Nutcracker (Part 4B)
Hello my friends. Welcome to 'Analysis, Theories and facts about our favorite Candy Crush Characters' with me, the Game Expert of your heart Sofia. First of all, I'd like to thank @mysticalmysty and @flew66 for giving me some info about Nutcracker's previous outfit events, @candycrushinit who shared some gifs and pics with…
Meet our character of the week, Tiffi!
That you are new to the sweet world of Candy Crush Saga or not, it's always nice to discover things on our favourite characters. This week, we celebrate the sweet-but-tough Tiffi :pleased: About Tiffi Tiffi is the mischievous ball of enthusiasm who accidentally fell into the Candy Kingdom and brought chaos into Mr.…
What is May Day?
April showers bring May flowers and with those flowers comes May Day. You may ask “what is May Day?” and I will say it is a celebration of the seasons changing as well as a day to celebrate workers’ rights. And so, our story begins ………………………………. Jenny has heard that there is this bad virus going around and she is trying…