Yeti suggests they check out YouTube
Yeti comes up with a brilliant idea. “I’ve got it Tiffi!,” exclaims Yeti. Let’s check on YouTube to see if they have any advice on how to get Fuzzy back home. Maybe that will give us more ideas.” Tiffi finds an interesting video, He needs his kid’ Lost teddy bear looking for its owner. She clicks on the video and they all…
Tiffi explains the situation to her father
A short while later Tiffi and Fuzzy arrive at Mr. Toffee’s candy store. He’s outside and waves hello to his daughter. “Hi Tiffi, what’s up?” asks Mr. Toffee. “Who is your friend?” Tiffi explains the whole situation to her father and asks if he can help him find his way back home. “Yeti and I were searching on Google for…
Yeti does some googling
A few days pass and Fuzzy is feeling down in the dumps. He misses the little boy so much. The little boy’s mother hasn’t responded to the messages and photo that Tiffi took and posted in a couple of places. Yeti hasn’t given up yet. He takes out his tablet and starts doing a Google search. What’s this? Yeti starts reading…
Yeti finds some good tips that might be helpful
‘Sadly, not every lost friend is found. The search is still on for Itsy Bitsy and many other beloved pals. If you happen to spot them online, head to the subreddit and make a kid happy—and his parents very, very relieved. Here are some tips for finding a replica of a lost lovey: Try a Google reverse image search. In the…
What is a Google reverse image search?
He types in the words Google reverse image search. So many to choose from but it doesn’t seem to be showing an article about what it is. He changes the words to read what is Google reverse image search. Now that is much better. The first article might be the best choice, Google Reverse Image Search: Everything You Need to…
Yeti does a YouTube search for some help
‘How does reverse image search work? As Google explains in this video, an image that’s used for a reverse search is analyzed for distinctive points, colors, lines and textures. The query that’s generated from this analysis is then compared with billions of possible images that Google is able to access. Should an exact…
Reverse image search on mobile
Yeti tells Tiffi that he found another article about doing a reverse search on mobile and he reads it out loud. ‘Reverse image search on mobile - But what about when you're on a mobile device and want to do a reverse-image lookup? There are options. First, you cannot do a traditional reverse-image search with the standard…
Tiffi tries the reverse image Google search
She follows the direction for her device. Something is missing so she watches the video again. Now she understands how to do it! She uploads Fuzzy’s photo and waits for the results. Well that didn’t work. Nothing about missing teddy bears. Tiffi keeps the image and types lost teddy bear in the search bar and then clicks on…
Odus might have the answer!
They are all so frustrated because no one has responded to their social media messages and they just can’t find another way to get his photo out there. They have to stop for a bit and go outside. “Let’s go Fuzzy, I’ll carry you outside,” says Tiffi. “Let’s take a walk. The weather is beautiful outside, sunny but not too…
Fuzzy and the little boy find each other
Tiffi opens up Facebook and logs in. She begins a new message and adds Fuzzy’s photo to it. Done! Odus has to head on home so he says goodbye. Yeti decides that he’s going to head on home so he says goodbye too. Tiffi and Fuzzy head on back to her house. No sooner do they get home, Tiffi takes out her phone to check…