The girls learn about chickens
When they arrive at Farmer Joe’s farm he is waiting for them outside the barn. “Hi joe, these are my friends Tiffi and Elsa,” says Amelia. “Tiffi read some articles online about farm animal factories and it upset her because of how the animals are abused so I think you can make her aware that not all farms are the same.”…
Beef cows vs dairy cows
“On the left side is a beef cattle and on the right is a dairy cow,” says Farmer Joe. “Now let me give you a brief description about both of them.” ‘Each species has its own particular needs when it comes to high standards of animal welfare: Beef cattle - Beef cattle should not be confined on feedlots or other types of…
Farmer Joe is sad as he tells the girls about fish farming
On the way over to see the pigs Farmer Joe talks to the girls about fish. He is sad how fish are farmed today but he can’t save or farm all animals. He is limited to what his farm can hold. He starts to explain what’s going on with the fish farming today. Fish are the most utilised animals on Earth. Up to three trillion…
Look at those cute rabbits!
‘Rabbits have been domesticated fairly recently, compared to other domesticated animals. The ancestor of both farmed and pet rabbits is the wild European rabbit we still see today. Wild rabbits live in varying habitats including forests, woodland, meadows, Savannah deserts and wetland and are found in several parts of the…
Tiffi is reminded about a nursery rhyme
“And here are the sheep,” says Farmer Joe. “Baa baa black sheep have you any wool,” sings Tiffi. “Yes sir, yes sir three bags full.” ‘One of the first farmed animals, reared for thousands of years for meat and milk. Read about how sheep and lambs are farmed today. There are over 1 billion sheep worldwide. The greatest…
Time to learn about turkeys
“Here are my wild turkeys,” says Farmer Joe. “Hey, I’ve seen those wild turkeys in my neighborhood,” says Elsa. “Just the other day I was searching on Google and I heard ‘gobble, gobble’ outside. I looked up and saw 3 wild turkeys walking across my front lawn.” ‘Wild turkeys are large birds native to North America. They…
What is animal sentience?
‘Sentient animals are aware of their feelings and emotions. These could be negative feelings such as pain, frustration and fear. It is logical to suppose that sentient animals also enjoy feelings of comfort, enjoyment, contentment, and perhaps even great delight and joy. Science shows us some interesting abilities in farm…
Some facts about factory farms
As Farmer Joe is getting the food and drinks prepared his phone rings. “Oh; hi Amelia, how are you doing?” asks Farmer Joe. “Yes I’ve sown them all the animals that I have hear on the farm. I hope that I didn’t load them up with too much information. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll pass it along to them.” Farmer Joe tells…
What Is Animal Welfare and Why Is It Important?
‘Animal welfare is important because there are so many animals around the world suffering from being used for entertainment, food, medicine, fashion, scientific advancement, and as exotic pets. Animal welfare refers to the quality of life experienced by an animal and encompasses how well the animal is coping with his or…
Humane Handling of Farm Animals
‘Farm animals raised humanely are healthier – so we improve farm animal welfare and campaign to change the most intensive forms of farming We protect farm animals - Humane animal farming is better for everyone. Animals live longer, healthier and more active lives. High welfare farming can be less damaging to the…