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Mir wurden im aktuellen Kaugummi Event keine Freunde zugeordnet. Ist das normal? Sammle so zu sagen nur alleine Punkte
Game crashing at vital points
I have been having issues with the game crashing. Most recently, playing Pinball Bonus last night when just as passing 15 on it, it crashed causing me to lose all bonuses. Very frustrating!!!
Missing events
Hello. The last event I got was the Xmas one and I was only able to play the first week and a half. Since then I got all the alerts for the events but when I load the game nothing but the regular game appears. Gold bars, Jelly Queen... but I can play nothing. I have deleted cache and reswitched the phone on several times…
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Bonsoir, cela fait plus d'une semaine que les vies j'envoie ne sont pas supprimer de mon compte .
I have requested lives from other friends playing and nothing happens. Is there a problem with this feature?
Valentines daily boxes
Why do I not receive day 14 on the valentines challenge, I completed all the other days but It disappeared on day 14 without letting me complete a level to open the last box?
I can not sent lives
Wy can i‘m not sent leaves?
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El ni el 2127 se ha congelado. Las burbujas fantasma se quedan en medio de la pantalla, no hay forma de destruirlas y no avanza para ver el resto del nivel, por lo que es imposible pasarlo. He cerrado sesión y vuelto a entrar y sigue igual He visto que le pasa lo mismo a más jugadores
I can't send nor am I I Recieving lives. Please help. I mostly play on mobile. Thanks.
I can't send nor am I Recieving lives on my mobile. I don't have a computer always play on my phone. Please help. Thanks.
I am on level 345 nd i have got a bubblegum challenge i
I have got a bubblegum challenge in which when i cleared 800 score now they gave me 2000 challenge but didn't i get gift when i cleared 800score