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We want your feedback on Rachel and her Quest!



  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    No puedo jugar este evento
  • Rachel is quite cute and does seem to have unique abilities. The levels are challenging and I am having to work hard to try to keep her!  As of now I have finished part 1 and collected 14  stars.  It would be nice to see an Olivia option sometime since I wasn't playing Friends yet at the time of her contest.

  • Posts: 168

    This game is Severely flawed.  I loved playing this game a year ago when it first came out.  A lot of that enthusiasm is gone & it may not ever come back.  I agree with a lot of what has already been said & I have commented similarly about some things in various other threads on this board.  I really really miss the old days when I could just collect stickers or fragments or whatever they’re called upon completing quests & levels & chapters, etc.  That is virtually non-existent now.  I originally brought up the differences in the game here:


     I’ve also discussed these various issues in the thread asking for feedback on Quests.  Nothing has changed.  I’ve been told our feedback is important & that they want to improve the game play for everyone, but the same problems keep occurring over & over again.

     Frankly, I’m not sure the game & some of the events live up to the hype, that the creators & king members think they do.  No doubt they have created a great game & there is a lot of fun to had, but it is also deeply, incredibly flawed.  There seems to be a lot of focus on the wrong things.  Many ideas, that have been repeatedly mentioned on here, all of which would be beneficial to the players of the game, without taking away from the integrity of the game, seem to be ignored while other “less important” ideas move forward.

     Now, speaking specifically about this Rachel event, personally, I’m not a huge fan, for a few reasons, many of which have already been mentioned above.  I like the character itself, & as I’ve stated numerous times on here I always like when there are new characters & costumes, as collecting them is a chief enjoyment for me in playing this game.  The power is definitely interesting & unique, & there is a bit of a learning curve, however, it also doesn’t always seem to work as it should or as one would wish it to.  It is directional, so the direction you use to switch the candies matters, & also because of this, if you desire to switch it with a certain candy depending on where it falls on the board, it often doesn’t do much If you are blocked or against a wall on some sides.

     Going back to the post about this game being different for everyone, I also agree with the commet that a new character with a new power is a fundamental component of the game & not having it available to everyone completely ruins your game, as everyone playing has a difference experience & changes what & how they are able to play. You really need to step back & think if you can’t make something available for everyone, should it be available for anyone, or maybe it can be available in another form for other players.  Like the Odus Challenge only being available to mobile players & then offering an exclusive costume.  As I mentioned in my comment about the quests, perhaps Windows 10 & other users could have had the option to collect stickers/fragments, which they earn from completing quests, which basically makes it the same thing.

     I also agree with above posters about the difficultly of some of the levels.  Further, I grew tired of using Rachel on some of these levels, when I felt other characters may have worked better.  Knowing that there was a star challenge coming after the completion of the side levels, I was reluctant to play much of the main levels, because if I beat the level it wouldn’t count towards my needed total of stars.  This also cause interference in completing the daily quests, mainly the character driven ones, as I had no choose but to take time away from the Rachel levels to play other levels in between.

     My next point is a question/observation.  I sometimes play on multiple platforms.  I have Windows 10 on two laptops & I borrow my wife’s Samsung phone on occasion.  The game isn’t syncing.  Progress on one computer isn’t transferring over to the other.  I have the Star chaser on one computer & the other is still showing Rachel event.  I’m concerned that levels completed & stars earned on a different device won’t transfer over.  Am I only supposed to use 1 device during this two week period?  What happens if I don’t hit 45 stars by the end of the event?  What if I’m over 45 stars between multiple star chasers?

     Finally, as an alternative for the future, as I’m sure there will be more events like this to come no matter what I say, & even with my personal distaste for them, I know others seem enjoy them, I would suggest having the lives received/used in the main game & the side levels run separately from each other.  This will allow for more game play & to go back and forth.  I know that other King games, such as Bubble Witch 3 & Farm Heroes, operate this way.

  • Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I don't like the response to losing a game that you'all have written into Rachel.  Turning her back to shake her tail & backside at us has me thinking the Raccoon thinks she is above whoever dared to lose.  Artist from Paris or not I don't care for her attitude.  Thought I'd let you know this.  It's a good game  I like it.  thank you......towent.......
  • Positive review—most everything else is great!  

    The artwork and design for the map was more stunning than expected. I personally really enjoy Rachel’s mannerisms and voice. I was thrilled to see that we immediately got to start playing with Rachel. That was really cool and I appreciated that opportunity. 

    Many have commented that the levels are difficult and needed the option to use another character. I think some of this is the steep learning curve of the new power. I wish the rainbow candy was a bit slower so that I could see what is happening. I found myself trying to look at “before and afters” of things like blockers to see what she worked on and what she didn’t. I’m still not certain. There were some amazing moments like when I saw the rainbow candy jump over a hole in the board for the first time and hit a candy on the other side! That is a fantastic move and it happened with a regular candy match! However I would have missed it if I wasn’t paying close attention or if I wasn’t trying to beat the level for the 4th time. In this way, I began to think of this challenge as a type of “Rachel Training Camp” where you learn her strengths and weaknesses. That is fun for me! I enjoy figuring things out like that. The only problem is that we have limited lives so playing around with her does feel rushed. It is hard to keep in mind that we have 14 days for the challenge. You also don’t want to spend an entire day waiting on lives just so you can play around with a new character (unfortunately).

    Oh, one of her major weaknesses seems to be her hints. I know this is true of other characters too, but I caught myself following her orders verbatim because I didn’t know the rainbow candy well enough yet. That is usually when I got into trouble. Just remember: if you wouldn’t do everything that Tiffi tells you to do, don’t do everything Rachel tells you to do either. 

    Lastly, the only negative thing really, I hate having to do the 45 star chaser. It feels like a burden. I am not sure what the alternative could be—maybe some sort of quests like the daily quests? Or fewer stars? But 45 is a lot for me at level 1670 and I am actually a little worried about getting to the finish line in time. 

    Thanks to the King team who did all the art, level design, etc. for a job well done. ❤️👏

  • Posts: 2

    Level 1

    The event doesnt pop up for me! 😭 I tried to re-install the game, but that only erased all my saved up lollipops..... Why cant i play the event? 😥
  • Posts: 40

    Level 3

    Sofia1992 said:
    Don't worry @Foley1362 .
    I read that after you complete the first part of this challenge which is completing the 10 special levels with Rachel, I will gonna go back in the main map and the Star Chase Event will appear and in order to get Rachel, I will need 45 stars in total right?
    I didn't know that there are two parts! Must have overread it. That will be really, really hard for people above level 1000. Those 10 levels in Paris seem to be already very hard. Right now I am stuck on level 4 and level 2-3 were also not eady to pass. You must have either very, very much luck in a level, for example getting a color bomb next to a coloring candy, or you need pre-game and in-game boosters.

    I guess from now on I need to be way more generous in my use of in-game boosters and make the most of my pre-game boosters to have a chance of getting Rachel.
  • Posts: 14

    Level 2

    Rachel Feedback

      {=^(    The current event is nearly  impossible without boosters. 

      [=^)     Rachel's innovative character design is a perfect addition to the Friends™️gang.

      \=^I     Rachel's unique rainbow candy ability has the potential to explode the Candy player King™️dom.  

    This event is nearly impossible.
         Everyone has been eagerly anticipating the Rachel challenge ever since the first appearance of the countdown icon on the home screen. As the newest most groundbreaking chronicle in the franchise, Friends Saga™️ and its interactive companions keep player engagement high. Discovering new characters and their accompanying wardrobe options add a new dimension to the Candy Crush™️ world: now, players are invested in the avatar collection--the true fan's most valuable exercise in demonstrating their devotion to the game...The character collections bring a new layer of Fandom much like any classic fad or obsession.

    That said, to instill this kind of infatuation and excitement around the unveiling of a new Friend will inevitably fuel the game's success OR it lays groundwork for disappointment. 
    Essentially, you had us eating out of the palm of your hand, King™️, so why did you blow it?!

    Basically, I regrettably spent 8 bucks, 3 hours, have died 90+ times and am only on level 3. Needless to say, I'm going to throw in the towel.

    The games are super difficult, there's a learner's curve with new features like the exploding bubble gum AND I'm pretty sure I can attribute my distress over these levels to Rachel's "power". Im pretty sure she's not helping me win, but sometimes actually causing me to waste a move or color bomb by mixing it with the rainbow. 

    Overall, the new character challenges are devastating set ups for failure.  
     Due to my last woe from the similar limited time Bubble Gum Troll Challenge to acquire him as a new avatar-- I'm not totally Gung-ho about the Rachel challenge. Last time, I embarrassingly spent over 8 painstakingly long hours winning all (to my knowledge) the levels to win my beloved Bubble Gum Troll (my favorite character). All this, I completed anxiously against a ticking clock.   Finally, on the edge of my seat, ear to ear grin, only to find a disheartening notification that said something to the effect of:  "Excellent job! Finish the next challenge before the timer runs out to lock in your new avatar." I was so bummed that I hadn't even come halfway to earning him. at this point I gave up entirely and returned to waking life, as usual, but now, with a slight chip on my shoulder. 

    In my view, quasi-impossible and time-sensitive goal setting is an ineffectual form of negative-reinforcement. It instills a sense of failure amongst the player-community morale.

    Rachel's innovative character  design is a perfect addition to the Friends™️gang.
        Rachel is a cute avatar, super creative. The animation choices such as the tail grab at 5 moves left and her dismissive cold shoulder once you fail the level -- all are the makings of a FRIEND built to last. 

    The only slight downside is Rachel's unfamiliarity... I love seeing familiar faces from the original Candy Crush Saga, revamped, in 3D and layered with entertaining quirks. I don't remember her from anything whatsoever...
    Rachel's unique rainbow candy ability has the potential to explode the Candy player King™️dom.  
    Rachel's powerful rainbow candy is novel. Any veteran King player will relish and delight in experiencing any new candy booster. I wish we could see more new features like this one. 

       However, I'm honestly still trying to wrap my head around what exactly this candy does? When paired with other special candies, its effect differs radically with each one! After the rainbow candy is triggered or paired with another special candy, the directionality of the blast is totally dumbfounding. What exactly is going on here? There have been so many times that I have felt regretful after seeing what appears to be a waste of a move AND a waste of a hard-to-make special candy when I use her candy. 

    This could have been an Earth-shattering introduction of a new magic candy! This feels like a lost opportunity to me...

    Final Words on New Character Challenges:
          As a teacher, one of my most consistent tenets is providing my students with appropriate challenges, expectations and benchmarks. If faced with too many unattainable and Herculean goals, the student does not benefit and furthermore, she experiences failure--laying detriment to her intrinsic motivation and willingness towards problem-solving. In some extreme cases of excessive disappointment, the student will fear making mistakes, leading them to avoid any attempts or initiations towards new tasks. 

      Lastly, the ticking timer until the new avatar disappears is unnecessarily stressful. My review of this challenge would be fundamentally different if that countdown clock ceases to exist. Why would we want to see a new character vanish out of any realm of possibility? It's like feeding into a consumerist/corporate greed mentality typical of any "collector's edition" or other limited time edition of a rare aspect of any popular franchise brand with a loyal fanbase. 
  • Posts: 2,526
    Oh god...How much right you have, my friend @seximrtoffee .
    You just read my mind completely.
    If you ask my opinion, I love this event (it's the first event that I play in this game) and the map and Rachel but those levels...those levels are pain. Real pain.
    I'm in level 6 now and no matter what to do, I can't pass it.
    I'm stuck completely in that level. Those levels are x10 times more hardcore than the original ones.

    Why? Such a good event but still to be spoiled from hard levels plus from the other side, it's very unfair that many people don't have this event in their phones.
    I might give up too and go back playing the original levels.

    Oh and since this game has its first anniversary in few days, check what I wrote generally (and that includes and Rachel's event too) about what they must change in this game:
  • Posts: 40

    Level 3

    edited October 2019
    I have finished the 10 levels now and have a few stars for the star chase. I got myself two pre-game boosters with the daily rewards and quests while I had all five lives. Then I started playing the Rachel levels again and was relative generous with the use of in-game boosters so that I didn't get stuck on a level and run out of lives and pre-game boosters. I think you can't win them otherwise in a reasonable amount of time. They are simply too hard without pre- and in-game boosters. You need to be extremely lucky without any kind of boosters.


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