Transfer the progress to iPad Pro
The progress did not transferred to my new iPad Pro when finished syncing. It shows me at level 50 when it should be at 700+. Please help!
why do I have a black back ground ? I'm using fire fox .
why do I have a black back ground when I play ? I cant see all the objects . I use fire fox .
Level 3335 Was changed this morning to a simpler version like it is in you tube but now again is cha
But now level 3335 is back to it harder version and is impossible to crush. why is that? please change it like it is in you tube.
I used 12 bars to purchase 8 lives from piggy bank, took bars, gave no lives.
You took my bars but didn’t give me my 8 lives
candy crush level 3363 makes you quit.thank you king care.
After I payed a lot of money to pass levels,in the past and more, recently,with extremely hard levels,finally candy crush saga made me find a good reason to quit.Level 3363 is impossible to pass with 13 moves and 40 fishes to collect,the U-tube video is easy,different numbers,I see no problems passing like that.It is a…
You took my gold bars but didn’t give me my lives
I used 12 gold bars for 8 lives, you took bars but didn’t give me my lives
Lost all my level
I have lost all my candy crush saga level when i open this morning, i am using facebook playing, who can help me?
Progressive lost. Please support
التقدم بعد أن وصلت إلى المرحلة 2140 قمت بصنع صيغة لتنسيق هاتفي الخلوي وأعدت تحميل اللعبة واربطته بحساب الفيس بوك الخاص بي mallah999@gmail.com
Another pile of crap level 3313
So should have completed this level however some of the striped candy did not destroy the black liquorice things once again i have used all my boosters and see that the next 3 levels are extremely hard so i do not see the point of even trying to get through this level just so i can be stuck on the next really getting fed…
why on level 3354 I only have 10 moves and they video I saw has 16 moves??
on candy crush level 3354 its almost impossible to do in ten moves and I went to how to solve it and the video shows it have 16 moves?