Query on Level 2341
Hi, I am currently playing Level # 2341. On clearing that level with 13 moves left, it continuously started giving the booster candies and the game is not coming to an end. Please help me to get past this level.
How many levels are in Candy Crush saga?
The board looks endless and i'm guessing close to three thousandlevels soon?? Thank you so much (: quite curious on the actual number even if it's constantly changing
Candy Show Time Challenge is not working properly.
I collected all the blue candies and the stars needed for the Show Time Challenge, but received no boosters. Now the TV button for the challenge on the game shows no number and no information when clicked.
Account reset to level 1
Hello, I was plying candy crush on my mobile and was past level 770 and when I selected the Facebook save option it sent me back to level 1. Is there a way I can recover my data and return to my original level? Thanks!
Why won't the game move up to level 556 when I have beat level 555 4 times?
I have beat level 555 four times, but the game will not move to level 556. It just keeps adding up points and showing candies blow up. I have uninstalled Candy Crush Saga and reinstalled, that did not help. It's the same on phone and facebook.
Level 2673 doen't work
IT is not possible to beat this level with the coconut wheel. They don't go away with the coconut wheels. IT is not possible.
Candy, no pasa siguiente nivel
Pase el nivel y cuando explota las bombas que quedan en la pantalla bajan más y más bombas y no para. He probado a salir pero entonces me dice nivel no superado. He vuelto a pasar el nivel y me pasa lo mismo, tengo ya 25 millones de puntos pero no hay manera de que pare. Qué puedo hacer?
Fairy Fair Challenge
Is anyone else having problems with this. Three times I have completed it and got nothing. Once I have completed the blue and then it just froze and I was not given the option to collect anymor colours. Have sent questions to King but got no response. This has all happened over about the last week. I am getting very…
I want to think about asking my friends for life and persisting that she has not been able to connec
I want to think about asking my friends for life and persisting that she has not been able to connect with the FB. Why? So far, everything was ok and now the problem
piggy bank of candy crush
not very fair to have to earn points for the piggy bank and then you turn around and CHARGE US????? what the heck we played to earn those why have to pay??? not fair at all