I submitted a ticket#5395770 and have never heard back.
I paid for 2 packages and didn't receive them. Please reply back!! I would like very much for this issue to be resolved. Thank you!
Losing boosters
I have repeatedly lost boosters when upgrading my iPad and iPhone. King needs to figure out a way to preserve our boosters during a reinstall. The excuse given is not satisfactory - we pay for these boosters and should not be told to not store them up - more income for King.
i am playing candy crush and at level 1218 but when i open my face book account i am still at 1181
i am playing can crush on my iphone and i am at level 1218 now but when i connect my face book account i am still at level 1181
lost progress
I deleted the APP candy crush saga by mistake from my iPhone and lost the progress after I reached level 425. How can I get back to same level?
Dear King-Today I played Levels 2546 to 2555 on my mobile & ipad. After completing I logged on to my
Dear King-Today I played Levels 2546 to 2555 on my mobile & ipad. After completing I logged on to my Laptop to continue with my next levels-I noticed that on my Level 2548 my scores of 257960-with 3 stars was not showing on the Laptop.& yet I could continue to play Level 2556.Can you update my level 2548 with my score of…
gold bars
17 june 2017, 3:45:37 am EEST , i paid €2.29 via paypal but didn’t receive the 15 gold bars. Number of order GPA.3395-0160-9449-31922. What can i do?
level 2542 is ridiculous, only 17 moves
the way this level is designed is such that all the "voids" cannot be used to create bombs. More moves, at least 30, please. To beat that we need 天時,地利,人和 best regards
Could not collect prizes
On 2 occasions I won the assortment of prizes which includes 6 hours of free play. Unfortunately I couldn't collect them as my screen froze. I see this has happened to a number of other players too. Why dangle this carrot if it's impossible to get the prize?? So frustrating as I was looking forward to all those boosters...
Prize claims
I completed Mistys star challenge but did not claim my prize until I had time to play. It was gone when I checked a few hours later. Do you lose prize if not immediately claimed? Describe your question in more detail here (at least 80 characters please)
3rd time asking same question....
Please, someone help me get my progress back. Candy Crush was on 256 and Soda Saga was 426. I've been having problems for two weeks now. Frustrated!!!!!