I believe there is a bug in level 1963. I am only getting 20 moves but on Candy Crush help it has 35
Due to frustration of not being able to complete this level within 20 moves I looked on a Candy Crush tips website and the demo video for level 1963 has 35 moves but my game only allows me 20 moves
Candy Crush Update today Dec 13th
Today Dec 13th update does not include pastry peaks. Was the description wrong or is there issues?
İ dunno why
After 645th section i dont get ant More updates.even when i play with my cellphone it used to be playable alsa with my iPad with Same time. .......................................
Need more levels please
I need more levels for candy crush saga on my kindle fire please...I've past my last level 2150 and don't have anymore levels to play...please give me more levels today if possible...I really miss playing my candy crush saga...I would really appreciate more levels...thank you in advance...
Why make timed levels hard for handicapped people?
Candy crush level 2175. I have palsy and arthritis in my hand. My mouse isn't the greatest either. I will never pass this leve
what can we do once we tried all the simple solution and it still crashes
would it not be more customer friendly to have a link with a fix instead of questions
clicking send request
Why do I have to continue to click send request every time I ask the same people for lives? I never had to do that before; but now, every time I ask for more lives, I have to verify and click send request. Is there a way that I don't have to continually have to verify.
Lost my boosters again. This the 2nd time within a 2 week period.
Last time you gave me 200 gold bars, can you do that again? Also my Kindle is crashing repeatedly when I play CC but it works fine for other apps. If I bought a new kindle could I continue at my current level or would I have to start the game over? Thank you.
Problem with the new challenge
Problem with the new challenge Need to speak to an agent about candy crush saga. about the challenges
Need more levels please
I finished level 2165 and need more levels please...I enjoy playing candy crush saga on my kindle fire, but have run out of levels...can you please add more levels for me please...I would greatly appreciate it...thank you in advance!