I luckely clerad 2142 i thought. But it said it was two left. I took a screenshot of it.
Level 2126 won't play crashing.?
Level 2126 is constantly crashing I've lost many lives and boosters very frustrating can you fix this problem?
My sons facebook is somehow synced to my candy crush on my phone. How do I remove his so I can add my account and resume where I was ?
Ipad 2 Crashing with candy crush and sometimes cc soda.
reading this site I see many others having this problem with no good solution. Will a solution be forthcoming in the near future?
Why do IPad minis shut game down upon opening before we can play?
Suddenly iPad mini shuts down Candy Crush immediately after sign in. Have updated to most recent available. My iPad Air does not do this. Friends mini in other state has same problem. Please help.
candy crush saga
I have a problemas with candy crush saga. . I downloaded the game but if I open it back to the home screen or if you are at level 36 back to 1. how is it possible? Thanks in advance for your replya in modo più dettagliato qui (almeno 80 caratteri per favore)
Lost progress
Hello, I have a new phone, and I've lost my progress in Candy Crush Saga. My new phone starts me on level 1. I was on about lever 650 and a whole LOT of boosters :'-( Logging in through Facebook dosen't help. Neither does logging into King. What can be done? BR, Carolina
Candy crush
I did you already 2 or 3 messages about the problems I have with the game candy crush, but noting wat you say helps me. I am playing the game on my ipad. I closed the game and facebook, and than I have had contact with the game for a moment, I pressed ok and than the game crashed again. Is there nothing you can do, because…
Level 1765
Level 1765 doesn’t register my progress ( coloredball +wrapped candy) and number changes during the game without getting the orders. I can't pass this level
candy crush saga level 2150-level 2165
agree with all other posts. CC really are taking the piss with this whole episode. too many changes being made to make everyone use all their boosters so that they will spend money. games are supposed to be about having fun not money making machines. on level 2163 at the moment. cant get anywhere near 10000 points never…