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  • Claudia_Anlage
    Claudia_Anlage Posts: 2

    Level 1

    the mobile version takes 4 minutes to load on my PC, and the slowdown is unbearable. Unless this is fixed, I will stop playing this game.

    I'd be happy if it only took mine 4 minutes... 9 minutes to load and the game runs in slow motion.
  • Debby_Teach_Hill
    Debby_Teach_Hill Posts: 1

    Level 1

    The format is awful, I can hardly see it and no way to make it larger. I'm an old person need to be able to see what I am doing :( VERY unhappy with this update I am on level 2153 and looks like that's as far as I go 

  • Kay_Hall
    Kay_Hall Posts: 10

    Level 2

    i have the same problem my laptop is loading the mobile version is there a solution for this

    They did it to me also, I hate it, I prefer playing on the desktop style NOT mobile on my pc.....PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO PLAY IT LIKE THIS......leave this version to the phone.......
  • Kay_Hall
    Kay_Hall Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I don't know why they do this crap.  They attempted to change the game design a few months ago too.  Besides looking awful the new version lags like crazy.  Leave it alone King - no one likes these new versions.  Just leave the design alone and don't change anything - just make more levels and move on.  Why do you feel it necessary to screw around with a good thing - makes no sense!

  • Joe_V_
    Joe_V_ Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Most of us do not like change, especially when it's a favorite thing (game) that is being changed.

    Candy Crush Saga had to be changed - our browsers will soon not support Flash any more.

    I'm sure the King developers have done the best they can and that a lot of testing and research has gone into the new format.

    Instead of all the complaining and demanding that it be 'put back how it was' why don't we try to work with King and actually make this version how we'd like it?

    Read up on the change at the following link,  and see if your browser is up to date (and your cache cleared), so that the game will actually run properly on your device

    Then play for a day or two and come back with some decent feedback on what and why you do not like any features in the game.

    Give the new format a chance, (you might find you actually like it) 

    They are never going to 'change it back' but may be if we have some positive suggestions and proper feedback, then King will listen.

    1.The OLD version was the way I liked it. 2. My game runs some what OK only minor lag. 3.I have played for a couple of days, which leads to...4 Hate the new Format IT SUCKS! 5. Positive Suggestions and Proper Feedback will still make the new version SUCK.
  • Svend
    Svend Posts: 4

    Level 1

    One of my favorite parts of the game was the high resolution game imagery. Now it's all fuzzy and small. Terrible combination.

  • Helen_Sheridan
    Helen_Sheridan Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I understand that an upgrade was required but come on, why make it so small and the score so large. It doesn't make sense. I find playing it now is straining my eyes and the awful graphics don't help. I've played this for so long that it will be a shame to have to find something else to play but the small size of the game board leaves me no other choice :(

  • Johnny_Crush
    Johnny_Crush Posts: 320

    Lynette L - I like many others are not happy about the new format; but I am sure we will get used to it.  What I don't like and hope will change, is that now I am not able to ask only my Candy Crush friends for lives. It is very annoying to those not on Candy Crush and annoying to me to have to go through and check only those that are on CC.  I am sure the technicians can come up with a way to only ask Candy Crush friends for help like we were able to do on the desktop version.

    I agree with you. Sending requests to candy crush players only is the first thing to do to make the new format even better!
  • everblue
    everblue Posts: 2

    Level 1

    This new format is terrible - and the reason I stopped playing on mobile. It is also so slow it is almost impossible to play. I agree with Rita, please have an option available to play the old fb version.

    Yes it's terrible. So slow and almost unplayable on my laptop.Moreover my mobile version is corrupted that's why I switched to only play in fb. Now I m only left with this mobile one and can't play anymore T_T
  • melhence
    melhence Posts: 101

    New set up on PC is not so nice...when I play the lower levels it keeps coming back to the latest level and then I have to scroll all the way down again...also the candies collected on a level got doubled when you cleared the level not liking that feature being removed :(

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