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Just today the quit button will not let me reset you just have to play that level or loose



  • Elsa 

    As you are aware, this has been going on for weeks now and I would just like to know how you find out your information?.  If you possibly can get somebody from customer care to confirm ANYTHING, so that our “select few” can decide which way to go.  As for me, if you get this message King, I DO NOT WANT TO BE A TESTER ANYMORE, PLEASE GIVE ME/US OUR QUIT BUTTON BACK.  Thanks Jackie 

  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 637

    I totally agree give it back

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546

    Hi Jackie, I get my information direct from a King Admin who gets it from the studio.  I am a King Superstar which means I volunteer to come here to help the players with their glitches and also to elevate the glitches.  

  • AmberleeM
    AmberleeM Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Any new developments? I hate to quit playing the game after years of fun but I’ve been on the same level for 2 weeks now and it is impossible without boosters. I too lose a life if I quit so my 5 lives last about 2 minutes without the space dash or the ability to reset. I guess if this is their way of getting us to quit the game they might succeed. I won’t continue playing if this continues because it is impossible to pass these levels!! 

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546

    Yes Jackie, I am totally aware that this has been going on for weeks.  I have been reading, responding and hoping that it would have been fixed but I do not believe that this is the week for it to be a priority.  There is a big Windows 10 crash that is going on at the moment and I am sure that this is taking priority over whether you can back out of a level without losing a life.  

    I am going to forward this message to a King Admin but they are very short staffed this week.  Hopefully he will be able to respond back to you today.

  • Jackie_Coe
    Jackie_Coe Posts: 104
    edited September 2018

    I have the same problem space dash restarts ..but is is there anyway that it can be solved I re install the game but the same problem occurs can any one help me or any customer care here .or should I stop playing I am on the maximum level plz mail me on 

    Hi,It seems that there is nothing anyone can do. This has been going on for over 3 weeks now and only to the select few. King customer care simply will not respond. Welcome to the “test “ group........terrible isn’t it?
  • Yes Jackie, I am totally aware that this has been going on for weeks.  I have been reading, responding and hoping that it would have been fixed but I do not believe that this is the week for it to be a priority.  There is a big Windows 10 crash that is going on at the moment and I am sure that this is taking priority over whether you can back out of a level without losing a life.  

    I am going to forward this message to a King Admin but they are very short staffed this week.  Hopefully he will be able to respond back to you today.

    Thanks Elsa.I will keep you posted. Jackie
  • Angie_SoMd
    Angie_SoMd Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Very happy to find these posts. I'm in the same boat and it sucks. The level 236 hack is a great way to get a golden ship or magic hat in the meantime. Only takes a few minutes. Of course if you lose the level you're working on you have to go back to 236 a play several times to get your full booster back, but it's a quick temp fix. Annoying though.

    Looking forward to an update and permanent fix with everyone else!

  • TheWonderGinger
    TheWonderGinger Posts: 20

    Level 3

    That's Always been the case, If you quit / exit a level you've started playing, its the same as failing the level and you lose the space dash / helmet.

    Once you start a level you must beat that level to keep the boosters going.

    If you cannot beat a level, you can save your space dash progress by clicking the refresh button (gameroom / facebook) or exiting and restarting the game (mobile / windows 10 ).

    You will still lose a life, but your booster progress will be saved.

    With the increasing difficulty of new levels, this is the only way to keep your space dash progress, tho technically it is a bug / cheat and may one day get fixed.

    Actually no. Until just recently, if you got halfway through the level and as long as the oops you failed screen did not show up, if you force close the app and then opened the app back up, the spaceship boosters & the helmet boosters would still be there. Now, whenever you leave the app even if you don’t play a level, the boosters vanish every time you open and close the app. I do not like the way the boosters are done now nor do I like that stupid body challenge
  • TheWonderGinger
    TheWonderGinger Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Yes Jackie, I am totally aware that this has been going on for weeks.  I have been reading, responding and hoping that it would have been fixed but I do not believe that this is the week for it to be a priority.  There is a big Windows 10 crash that is going on at the moment and I am sure that this is taking priority over whether you can back out of a level without losing a life.  

    I am going to forward this message to a King Admin but they are very short staffed this week.  Hopefully he will be able to respond back to you today.

    I do not care about losing a life if you force close the app in the middle of a level. What I do care about is having to start all over again with the spaceship boosters and the helmet boosters which disappear every time you close the app whether you force close the app or whether you beat a level, move on and then close the app.
This discussion has been closed.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?