For a few weeks now I cannot send friends extra lives or extra turns, I don't get any lives or extra turns from anybody either. This happens on: 2 different computers when playing on the website 1 smartphone Android 1 tablet Android
It has nothing to do with flash installation/settings, clearing cookies, and all the usual stuff.
Whenever I click on the corresponding buttons, they move slightly, but nothing happens, I can close that popup window and that's it.
I am at level 2279 and this has never happened before, and now on 4 devices?!
Hi @YashRawat and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 I am sorry this happened to you but don't worry, we can solve this together. Please follow the instructions on the link below and you will see how to get your progress back.
I am having the same issue with not being able to receive lives that were sent to me, send lives to others or get any unlock tickets to move to the next episode. This has been going on for two or more weeks and I am becoming increasingly frustrated!