maybe first close the game app on your ipad then reopen, am sure it will be fixed because i also get the same problem when logging out of Facebook back to kingdom, the profile pic and progress sometimes take long to load as long i had saved before logging out!dianaperez200 said:Here’s a pic from my phone my progress.
Once you have the number, please complete the contact form from this link: https://soporto.king.com/contact
They can manually go into your new account and get you back to where you were. It might take a couple of days before you get a response so please be patient. You should get an email with a ticket number on it. Please make sure to use this topic and subtopic when completing the form.
dianaperez200 said:this is the profile king has. It’s not Facebook.com. It’s dperez.toby@gmail.com. And my fb profile is the one with the badge. That’s the one I need in cc. The right profile is the bottom one so I can get my progress back. Please fix it I want to play. Thank you.