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Life requests stay in mailbox/ Lives do not get sent or received



  • Dmrendon
    Dmrendon Posts: 0


    How do I clear the mailbox issues?  Keep getting tons of help, requests from 1 person!! I want to delete her!!
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,927
    edited February 2020
    Hello @Dmrendon and welcome to our wonderful King Community.  There have been various mailbox issues and you can find out more about them here.
    As far as deleting someone - if the person is a Facebook friend - then you would have to delete/block that person as a friend.  However sometimes random people will also show up (who are not Facebook friends) and I don't believe there is a way to delete that person.  I would just ignore their requests.  However maybe your issues are related to the other lives issues going on, so when it is finally fixed, this problem may be fixed too.
  • xoxo67
    xoxo67 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Yes. My question is about the game, I still have their requests in my message inbox. They sent me 15 requests today.

    Same is happening to me, I have 33 request and I can not get rid of it. Wish someome could help

  • Ngonyama
    Ngonyama Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Having issues sending requested lives. They keep coming back to my mailbox. Why? And I don't get boosts from online ads.
  • Kathydoherty
    Kathydoherty Posts: 0


    My sends to friends are not clearing 
  • Hi @Kathydoherty

    Welcome to the Community,

    Sorry to hear about your Problem.

    Can You Please Tell Us Your Problem in more detail ?

    We would like to know to understand your Problem more clearly. 

    I think you are talking about sending lives. But Please Tell Us in detail so that we can solve your problem as fast as possible. 

    I hope this helps.

    Have A Nice Day!
  • Hi @Ngonyama

    Welcome to the Community,

    Sorry to know about your Problem on Lives request  

    Can You Please Tell Us Where do you play Candy Crush Saga ? I mean on Android/Windows/iOS device or on ?

    We would like to know and this will help us to understand your Problem more clearly. 

    Also Click here, here, here and here to Checkout if you find any solution for your Problem. 

    Please Reply if any of the above hasn't been useful to you. 

    I hope this helps.

    Have A Nice Day!

  • Hi @Ngonyama
    We warmly welcome you to the Friendly King Community's Candy Crush Saga forum.🙂

    Lives problem is a known issue.

    Our technicians have now isolated the cause of the fault and are creating a fix which will be available in a game update, version number (1.171), coming soon.
    Please make sure that you have your device set to automatically update apps, so it can be downloaded as soon as it becomes available.🙂  
    The AD video feature is in the Test Group so we cannot say for sure that you will always find this feature.
     However in the current version we have found several issues and the issues will be resolved with the next update.

  • Thanks @Sukanta_Biswas for Your Kind Help!
  • tracistanzi
    tracistanzi Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I cannot send lives on Candy Crush using my Android phone. I have logged out and restarted and logged back in and that has not worked. Is there a better place to send questions please let me know I'm very confused at even where I'm at
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