Kimmy and the bears
Living in Soda World is this
young 10-year old girl whose name is Kimmy. She has a younger sister named Tiffi. Both of them were adopted by Mr.
Toffee, however they don’t live in the same town. Kimmy lives in Soda World
and her sister and father live in Candy Town. Even though the sisters don’t live near each other they…
What’s going on?
Standing at the top of the hill, candies still in hand, her mouth
drops wide open. The candy bears are
trapped in ice cubes. She begins to
throw some of the candy towards the bears to break them free! Much to her surprise, the candy isn’t breaking the ice. Kimmy doesn’t know what to make of this. She never saw anything…
Strange things happening
She begins her trip back home. Suddenly she hears this strange noise behind her. She turns around but sees nothing. She continues walking and then she hears the
strange noise again, but this time it sounds closer. She is now getting a bit nervous because
someone is following her. She turns
around to look again and she…
Kimmy arrives home
Kimmy finally arrives home and right there on the counter is her
phone. She picks it up to call her
sister, but her hands are shaking so much that she gets a wrong number. She takes a few minutes to calm down and then
calls Tiffi’s number again. “Oh Tiffi, I am so glad that you are home,” says Kimmy. “Something is going…
Tiffi has doubts
Tiffi is speechless. She
believes that her sister saw the bears trapped in ice cubes, but she has no
clue what she can offer Kimmy in the way of helping her get the bears
free. She has been very busy in Candy
Town lately because Jelly Queen showed up not too long ago and she has been
helping her adjust to her superpowers.…
Kimmy meets up with Chilly Tusks
Kimmy picks up the phone to call Aunt Lucy, but then decides that
perhaps she should just go pay her a visit. She thinks that perhaps if Aunt Lucy sees how stressed out Kimmy is she
might have some good ideas to help the candy bears. She looks out the window and it’s still cold outside. She better put on her boots and…
Kimmy visits Aunt Lucy
Kimmy rings the doorbell and Aunt Lucy opens
the door. “Kimmy what a nice surprise seeing you,” says
Aunt Lucy. “It’s very cold outside, so
hurry up and come in so that I can close the front door.” She is so happy to see Aunt Lucy and hopefully
she can come up with some idea on how to free the candy bears. “Aunt Lucy,…
Tiffi and Jenny make plans
Back in Candy Town, Tiffi rushes to get the players their help
because she really wants to find out what Kimmy is talking about. She knows that this might be a job for Superhero,
so she makes a phone call to Jenny to find out if she is free to help her. “Hi Jenny, how was your Valentine’s Day?” Tiffi asks. “Are you real…
Time to find out what’s going on
Oh no! Humphrey just
spilled the jar of honey on the floor. “Humphrey, why are you sitting on the table eating the honey?”
questions Aunt Lucy. “look at the mess
that you made all over the floor. “ Aunt Lucy knows that Kimmy is anxious to free the bears but she
has this mess to clean up so she realizes that she won’t be…
Kimmy meets up with a skier
When Kimmy and the bears arrive at Candycane Slopes they meet up
with a skier shivering in front of a fire. “This
w-w-winter is colder than ice cream!, he says. “If only burning candy canes gave off more heat! I should really w-w-winter over in the
Powder Sugar Desert. Can you p-p-p-oint the way?” Kimmy
feels sorry for him…