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New feature - Mr Toffee's Fair!



  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    I had the Gumball Machine this afternoon. I saw the 3 Gumballs palpitating so I clicked on them. I wanted to record the moment so I closed it thinking it will be OK to do that as long as I haven't claimed the prize. Unfortunately, I was wrong. After hitting Play on my Screen Recorder, I clicked on the 3 Gumballs but the Gumball Machine was showing the Timer. This was a lesson learned. It was my fault, no one is to blame. From now on, when I am not ready to accept the Prize from that machine, I should not click on it.

  • marscrushinit
    marscrushinit Posts: 2,536
    Good to know @mercerik . Thanks for sharing 🤔
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617

    You are welcome! Thanks for the comment! 🌹
  • Graeme_London
    Graeme_London Posts: 96

    Level 3

    Xarly said:
    Hi @Jami_Fagala ,

    Fair question, I appreciate it. I'll try my best to answer this as well as possible. The team is currently doing a deep analysis on this, because data and player feedback not always correlate, which is what makes things tricky in this case. As we speak, they are looking into improvements to the feature that address player feedback (for example, team members being inactive blocking other active members from progressing faster). At the same time, they are working hard on new features (like one that is coming in the near future, called the 'Soda Squad' ) that are on the way. I had the opportunity yesterday of testing two of them and provide my input from a player perspective and I think they will be very positive additions to the game (hopefully you all see them in your games soon).

    I can only ask for patience here now, which is indeed a hard thing to ask for, I get that. There are optimisations and new features on the way, but these take time. The team is truly aware of the player feedback and is trying to address it moving forward, I can tell you that. Nobody here is trying to kill the game or harm our players, quite the opposite. Again, balancing in video games is a very delicate topic, because you need to contrast players' opinions with what their behaviour is in-game as well.

    I hope this shed some light. Again, thanks for the question and if there's any other doubt, please let me know!

    I appreciate the update @Xarly.  

    It it doesn’t surprise me that the data and player feedback don’t correlate.  I’m still playing Mr. Toffee even though I don’t like it.  Why?  Because I don’t want to be one of those who is blocking the game.  

    The board I am currently on is about half completed with all three players contributing.  However it seems we are at a standstill as every tile left requires one to either use a booster or complete one or more levels.  No one seems to want to undertake those tasks.  We’ve been on this board for almost a week.  

    In the two and a half months that Mr. Toffee has been around (and I have played daily) there was one day in which I was part of a board that was completed in a 24 hr period. I can imagine that perhaps the developers thought a team could easily complete one board a day—after all, two ticks per day per player times three players equals six ticks with only four required to win.  However the reality is that given the makeup of the boards—requiring use of booster, and completion of either specific types of levels or multiple levels makes it very difficult.

    I don't mind doing the stars and levels tasks providing I have got rainbow road filled as I can complete levels pretty easily
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,543
    well, it depends on the level. As long as the quests were there, I had picked up a few levels good for creating hard balls, or wrapped candies, etc, and I would play them to get boosters and go back to the level I could not pass, using the hammers, etc...
    Now, I am fed up. I play a level a few times, 4 or 5 until I know what you need, and often just stop, because it is a bore. You need mostly a soft and a hard, but you will only get it when the game agrees. I've stopped Jelly totally for the same reasons But Jelly never got to be very popular, too hard from the beginning, and impossible without boosters once you reach 1500. 
    Tried Friends, not much fun for the same reasons, you will get it one day, but when? it does not depend on you, just on the game's mood. Pet Rescue, the new one, is totally stupid. 
    I miss the time when you could plan your level, win it because you played it well. 
    Addicting? I'm not sure. I've put the phone away with 2 hours of free play left because I could not stand repeating the same level again and again. 
    I still don't get what Mr Kotick wants. He plays a dangerous game, is addicted to money and power, and believes people will buy boosters. I don't think so, but the future will tell us.
    Wow @Anne_Martin your brain works totally opposite of mine!  From what you wrote here you can plan the levels?  When you open the game do your study the board to decide on your next move?  I can't do that at all.  When I open the level all I see are candies and my brain automatically looks for two together and another that can make the 3 match.  I can't plan at all.  My brain is not wired that way.  I envy those that have a brain like yours because you are able to advance faster than me.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,543
    Here is a good idea the team and hardcore players we see here work together.  My son James was born with downs syndrome  and many medical conditions. I started playing as I waited during appointment after appointment as a way to tune out. I read comment earlier about addiction asking a player when the game is designed to be addicting.  Take the fair take the daily missions I will beat the boards anyway!
    Brian you are my inspiration!  Are you able to plan your moves?  Can you actually look at the level and see which are your best moves?
  • Brian_Tate
    Brian_Tate Posts: 73

    Level 3

    Elsa said:
    Here is a good idea the team and hardcore players we see here work together.  My son James was born with downs syndrome  and many medical conditions. I started playing as I waited during appointment after appointment as a way to tune out. I read comment earlier about addiction asking a player when the game is designed to be addicting.  Take the fair take the daily missions I will beat the boards anyway!
    Brian you are my inspiration!  Are you able to plan your moves?  Can you actually look at the level and see which are your best moves?
    Its probability with a little luck, if you study the board and not make random moves when same color candies are bunched together the probability of making special candies increases which is what win wins boards. Sometimes I walk away half way through and come back a few minutes later instead of rushing the boards and get a fresh perspective. It is nice to have a few free boosters earned by playing at the ready since I can't count the number of times I only need one more move to win.  By the way the fair is paying out some boosters now and the new watch the movie for a boosters and moves really helps.  I am on board 2220 and had fun getting there.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,543
    Hi @Brian_Tate that is where I am opposite of you.  I can't study the board.  Just as you said, my brain only sees the same color candies bunched together and impulsively I make the match.  If I were to walk away from a level part way through I'd never get back to it.  Lately with all of my games I might not even get half way through the moves on a level when I quit.  Maybe I am running out of patience waiting for that good board.  Also with this game, when I get the daily reward of free hours I open the game and if nothing looks great I quit because I know it's now on an unlimited time frame.  But even that gets boring because you have to click on "quit" and then it asks if you want to quit and then I click again and then it asks are you sure and I have to click "yes".  I was sure with the first "x".
  • Brian_Tate
    Brian_Tate Posts: 73

    Level 3

    Elsa said:
    Hi @Brian_Tate that is where I am opposite of you.  I can't study the board.  Just as you said, my brain only sees the same color candies bunched together and impulsively I make the match.  If I were to walk away from a level part way through I'd never get back to it.  Lately with all of my games I might not even get half way through the moves on a level when I quit.  Maybe I am running out of patience waiting for that good board.  Also with this game, when I get the daily reward of free hours I open the game and if nothing looks great I quit because I know it's now on an unlimited time frame.  But even that gets boring because you have to click on "quit" and then it asks if you want to quit and then I click again and then it asks are you sure and I have to click "yes".  I was sure with the first "x".
    Well if you earned boosters with daily missions you have to finish it to earn them. So even though you lose the board you win something that is why people want daily missions back.
  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    you could, until a few months ago, plan your game, as Brian said. You had a few sites, giving you tips, that have all given up now. 
    Today, I played 3 or 4 times the ultra hard level I cannot pass. You need... 3 guesses, the first 2 don't count. Yep, as usual, a soft and a hard one together! You just won the right to get famous! Then I stopped,  not fun, not amusing, just a waste o time and energy.
    I have 2 questions, that won't get an answer, I guess, but I'd like to try.

    1/ when Mr Stupid get to be stu[ider than ever, what can you do? nothing, I guess. It is a real SHAME to put tasks like "use a hammer or a hand or anything". Only kids will do it, the simple idea is rather sick. In real life, a company that would do that would be dragged to court. Anyway, it means many times, MTF is totally useless when you check the board, Whatever I do, I can't get a line. So, why play?
    In other words, when nothing can be won, could not the board be changed? Don't tell me it is hard, the programmers managed to tell you on every level how many people use extra moves.
    I've never seen such a bad feature in a video game and have never heard the community managers back up the failed feature with so much... I'll let you finish.
    Not talking about you, Elsa, but about the people working for Activision. They remind me of Sarah Huckabee or Sean Spencer, lying through their teeth while the press laughs.

    2/ does Activision intend to do something against Cheat Engine? many people are using it... it spoils the little bit of fin that could be left.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?