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No Internet connection; under investigation



  • mayraaglz86
    mayraaglz86 Posts: 1

    Level 1

  • mef083049
    mef083049 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    I still can't get online. If I uninstall and reinstall I am afraid I will lose all my progress since I cannot update and save since I CAN'T GET ONLINE.

  • tangybhoy
    tangybhoy Posts: 82

    Level 3

    This mr toffees fair is getting beyond a joke with the prizes we are receiving nearly evey tile completed and an hour of lifes and an hour of a wrapped candy bomb. Am not going to even play it anymore. No use

  • tratelqalam
    tratelqalam Posts: 2,615

    Restart ur device n update to latest version n try again. Check that ur internet speed is fast n stable.

  • intoxication
    intoxication Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Just bumping this because I am still getting a connectivity issue on CCS and this seems to be a long running thread. I have been constantly coming last in the “Map game” (the one where you click the map and then try and get through the level faster than previous players) because the game never connects to allow me to take advantage of free spins at the end of the game, so I don’t get opportunities to play on.

    Havent been able to connect to the booster wheel for weeks. Ditto the chocolate game.

    Have lost tracks if I’ve been paid the correct number of golden bars I’ve won because it’s never connected when I play so the gold bars tab just keeps spinning round and round.

    I have disconnected and reconnected my phone, updated to the latest version, have tried on data and it doesn’t work (I don’t have WiFi here). The only thing I haven’t tried is uninstalling my app as I read you lose all your progress. I don’t want to do this because I have earned a lot and it says to contact support but I have contacted support loads of times about different things and have never received one reply.

    Is anyone else having a similar problem? I am using the app via iPhone.

  • Gumyupawpaw
    Gumyupawpaw Posts: 2,007

    I have been losing my hard earned pink boosters and gold bars due to ‘no internet connection’ for a good few months now. This happened after I completed the BGH . I had also lost over 200 colour bombs, colour candies and fish too, they just disappeared. I had reported to support section, many times, I received an email to acknowledge my report, but I never heard from them again.

  • Sam_Gribley
    Sam_Gribley Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited January 2022

    Yes. I too have been unable to make an internet connection in the game. I am at level 1244 and really don’t want to lose my data. It’s not an actual internet issue because my internet and my IPhone software work fine outside the game, even on my friends wi-fi. It is a game issue and mine has been out for well over a month now. I signed in under a new King Account just to get a connection to post this complaint!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?