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Soda Candy Crush screen will not rotate (This is intended)!

nsuz Posts: 3 Newbie
edited January 2020 in Support
aftwr the last apple update my screen will not go to landscape mode 

Best Answer

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 14,266 Community Manager
    edited January 2020 Answer ✓
    Hi all!

    We have some news on this... This is currently working as intended.

    This is currently working as intended when playing levels: you can still use the landscape mode, but for the map and for some features like Kimmy's arcade (you can share your feedback about the feature with us here), you will need to tilt your phone or tablet and your game will work as intended.

    We are doing this in order to be able to provide a better player experience for you all. This change enables us to deliver new cool features in the long term.

    In the meanwhile, please keep sending your feedback our way.

    To clarify, there are two scenarios:

    1) Kimmy's Arcade cannot be played on landscape. (There might be an issue with this one that we're investigating and discussing here)
    2) The map is not displayed on landscape. Levels are though. (This is working as intended)

    We want to make it as easy and natural as possible to all of you out there, so all feedback is welcome. Was the messaging of "please rotate your device to play the arcade" in the screenshot not clear enough? 

    Thanks and I apologize for the confusion. 



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