words checked as completed at the start
Level 102 ABS starts out with all the words marked as completed. This started after the update that removed the free gold for watching videos. I would post a screen capture but I don't know how.
Can't get thru to contact us as reCAPTCHA not functioning
I'm on level 161 of Alphabetty Saga. I've been on this level for several weeks. Every time I get close to winning it the game either freezes or says connection lost when I can clearly see I'm still connected. This morning it's a "connection lost" which is a fib as I can see I'm connected. The only way to fix is to refresh…
Crowns not working
I'm in level 106. When using a crown within a word, it will remove tiles occasionally. Sometimes it flashes under the cheese, but doesn't remove any tiles. Then is frustrating when you use 3 crowns and expect the tiles to be removed and it only removes 2 tiles. Others having issues.
AlphaBetty keeps crashing on my iPad
I have expanded my storage, but the game crashes almost immediately every time.
Can't use my gold bars for extra moves
Playing Alphabetty Saga on my Lenovo Tablet. The game freezes when I try to use my gold bars to gain extra moves at the end of a level
Can't use my gold bars for extra moves. Site freezes.
Playing Alphabetty Saga on my Lenovo Tablet. The game freezes when I try to use my gold bars to gain extra moves at the end of a level. Currently on level 325, tried to use my gold bars and site freezes. Is this an Andoid problem or anything to do with the recently added levels ?
Level 69
I keep losing gained words. I will have all the 3 letter words and then play a word and will no longer gave all the 3 letter words.
Cannot progress
Cannot play anymore as I'm stuck on level 163! I get the required words it ticks them off, but a couple of moves later the tick disappears! I have uninstalled reinstalled, made sure it's the latest version! Nothing's working!
I have been playing level 164 for a very long time I can't figure out how to pop all the bubbles
using all strategies I can think of but always left with lots of bubbles, seems it takes several words with same bubbled letter before it will disappear. Any suggestions?
Alphabetty level 204 not calculating words
On level 204 in alphabetty it will not recognize a 6 letter word after the initial one is made to complete the task. Sometimes it will but then it reverts back to showing only 1 6 letter word being completed. I saw this was an issue in the past and it showed the issue had been resolved. And, yes, I am counting correctly.