AlphaBetty Completely Unplayable
I know there have been numerous users who have brought this up. However, NONE of the so-called "solutions" have solved this problem for me. I cannot even get through a single game without it crashing (and ultimately losing a life). It's been unplayable for months and I'm at the end of my patience with it. I'm on a…
Can't open Alpha Betty
On my iPad, the Alpha Betty Saga tile is greyed out with the caption "waiting" below it. It's been like this for more than a week. I'm unable to delete the app - I click "Delete" and nothing happens. What's the solution, please?
My game isnt playing right
When I complete the challenge words in the level and it check marks each one it and I have turns left over. It tell me that I didn't do the level right OK so I try again well when I retry the words I have to make are already checked so I close the game out restart and still the game is having these glitches. How do I fix…
Alpha Betty level 286 is bugged on Kindle Fire and game is different from my PC and my Kindle Fire.
I only have 13 moves to collect 9 words on my PC, but I have 19 moves on my Kindle Fire. I can't play on my Kindle Fire because there is a glitch; when I collect the required number of words for one set and I get the checkmark, it resets to "x1" for every single Word Frenzy level. There is no way I can pass the level on my…
Are there any AlphaBetty tutorials out there that don't involve sheer luck?
Sometimes, when I've been stuck on a level for weeks, I'll do a Google search for hints on how to solve the level. The only "tutorials" I have found are videos that show someone getting lots of lovely, long words in one game (often from the opening move). Are there any actual helpful tutorials online, or do the levels…
Trying to get through to you is impossible, how about making it simple to get an answer.
This web site is a joke. How about making it simple for people to get through to you, or is this so we will give in and start paying to play. You are so unfair.
Alphabetty 282
I am stuck on level 282 alphabetty because I am only allowed 11 moves to pop 41 bubbles instead of the correct 27 moves. Please can you tell me how this can be corrected as I can't move on.
andriod app not connecting with facebook account.
does alpha betty not link with facebook anymore? It just takes you to a facebook page and says sorry this page is unavailable when trying to link your accounts.
what's with #83
words very limited...finally get enough to move letters somewhat...no cheese in sight to bring down...this is not fun....way too hard for such an early level...