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I'm currently on level 214 but have gone back to try for 3 stars on every level. I'm having trouble with a couple of them. I watched the YouTube video for level 161 and they got 3 stars with a much lower score!
Here we go again. I've been playing Alphabetty for about a month. Now it's stopped loading. I had this problem about a month before that, where I couldn't get the game to load for about 2 months. Why does this keep happening? It's seriously crap!
Alpha Betty Problem I play alpha betty on my kindle and I am on Level 79. Now alpha betty will not open at all on my kindle. It just stopped working. Is there any way I can get it to open up and not loose the level I am at?
Given 50 gold bars at the start. If I use 34 of them to buy crowns will that be a one time kind of use our will I continue to have multiple crowns?
I had 22 moves left and only 18 cheeses to spread, all under the rocks. I had numerous crowns and found many words but the rocks do not break. I have bought many extra moves. I have gotten as close as 5 cheeses left and the game freezes. I've had it with Alphabetty.
Playing on face book, it is the spread the cheese version. NOT the bubble pop. I have been on level 122 FOR EVER!!!! How does one get thru this level? I never have enough moves to clear the board.
All bubbled letters. The o is a blank with a vine. AB ignores it. Anyone know why? My best word yet.
I make the word with the right amount of letters and crowns, the light in the counter turns on, but it doesn't get credited. Is it a glitch? Thanks.
I typically play on my phone because it is difficult for me to sit at my computer due to medical issues and I have been stuck at level 320 for a couple of months and cannot advance any further. I have all 3 stars on all levels.
I have been trying to purchase gold bars in AlphaBetty but keep getting this message' "Unable to make purchase. Try again" why is this suddenly happening last few days never was before?
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