What do the tiles at the top do in level 141?
I am looking for tips on how to play level 141. Everything looks different. What are the tiles at the top? How do they work?
How do I use the tiles at the top and bottom that aren't connected in level 18 of alphabetty
In the game alphabetty, level 18, how do I use the disconnected letters at the top and bottom?
Why cant i use the boostert tiles and hammers when playing on my tablet or phone
I can use the line blaster and hammer when using the desktop computer but they do not function when I am playing on the tablet. Why
AlphaBetty Saga Level 159 mobile is impossible
It is impossible to form long words, to destroy the stones. And 4-letter words are already difficult. Even 3-letter words are not always counted, even if they are specified. What can I do?
Many words are not allowed in the game. Today, i had to write, when TEXAN wasnot accepted. !
words not included in your "dictionary" why does this have to have 80 characters TEXAN NEEDS TO BE ADDED TO YOUR DICTIONARY AS AN ACCEPTABLE WORD!
Why can,t I go into the store to buy gold bars?
I run out of lives and need to buy gold bars but I cannot enter the store to buy them.Why ??
In level 18, how do you get rid of the letters on top and bottom?
I play on my android phone and for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to get rid of the letters on top and bottom that are not connected to the other letters and the little hammer will not let you hit them. Level 18 Help?
i put the wrong age when trying to create a account
i was going to start a game and it offred me to make a account . when i got to age part i put the wrong one and now it wont let me try and fix my mistake it just say i cant make a account.
Unable to connect to Facebook
I am still unable to connect my game to Facebook. I've tried updateing my browser. Every time I try it gets stuck on loading screen and flashes back and forth to a black screen
Alphabetty blue screen
I can't get alphabetty to load on my tablet anymore, and none of the "solutions" work, I was able to play on Chrome through FB for about 3 weeks, and than I got the blue screen, so I switched to IE, played on that for a couple weeks, than got the blue screen. I tried using King.com, still have the blue screen. I use other…