I finished level59, but didn't get credited. Can someone fix that? Don't want 59 anymore - over it!
I struggled and struggled to do level 59 and finally, FINALLY beat it after buying 5 extra moves. Then the game gave me the ! screen and when I reloaded, I'm still on 59. I never want to see level 59 again. Please can someone move me to the level I deserve, level 60? I enjoy this game, but I don't think I'll ever play…
when I start alpha betty round 1 it show you how to play it will not run correctly
the show me round when you start alpha betty does not run right it shows you three worda and how you clear them it gets messed up on the last word and I can not get to round one help
Why won't Alphabetty Levels appear / load on my Android anymore?
Up until two days ago I have been fine. Then all of a sudden last night afterwork I tried to play and the levels won't show and I can't click on anything. The map comes up and all the "dots" for individual levels, but the dots are blank and I can't play anything.
Difference between playing on iPad and computer
Why is it when I play AlphaBetty on my iPad the feature for switching tiles around refreshes after a few minutes but when I play on my computer via Facebook I have to purchase the feature with gold bricks? Why should it matter which device I use. This should be fixed - it's not fair (I usually play on computer as iPad is…
Alphabetty Saga level 173
I have to agree with Baz who thinks this level is King's way of getting you to buy helpers. I have stuck here for days and days!
AlphaBetty will not download on Facebook
when I click on the app link for AlphaBetty on Facebook, the game page appears, begins to download, then either freezes or disappears. I have tried reloading, refreshing, everything they say to do but still wont work.
Level didn't advance
I finished level 55 the other day, I even had to use my gold bars just so I could get the last word finished. It went to the main screen and then I closed for the night, I go to play the next day and it say's I'm still on 55 and I know it isn't correct. Let alone I've created 6 or 7 letter words and thy only count as if it…
Alpha Betty level 40. Problem with word length
This level is not recognizing words when the length has been met. Is there another criteria such as points? I've had six and seven letter words and received no credit. Have done 4 letter words with the same result.
how do you use the letter not in the grid for the bubble pop on alphabetty saga?
how do you use the letter at bottom of the grid in the game for bubble pop.
Not getting all 17 attempts on Level 74 of Alpha Betty
My 17 attempts decreases from 15 to 7 each time I play level 74. Technical glitch?