Alphabetty level 106, moustraps reappearing
The moustraps keep reappearing after being blown up by exploding tiles or by crowns. It doesn't happen every time but usually if the trap is near the very bottom when it gets removed it will pop back up when the other traps move
Problem loading Alpha Betty Saga
Ive been playing Alpha Betty Saga for a couple of months or so without any problems then all of a sudden when i click on my desktop short cut; it tries to load, gives up then tries again and does this continually until i close it, which isnt easy either. Im wondering if it has anything to do with an in app update i…
How to get 3 stars on level 13 of AlphaBettySaga with 8 moves
I have 8 moves for level 13 of AlphaBettySaga, others have 11 and 13, why? Do you get more stars based in how few moves you use or how many points you collect? How do you get boosters to get more moves?
I passed level 185 on Alphabetty. Now there are no more levels. How do I get level 186 and more?
I am wondering how to get the levels past 185 I finished 185 and now all I see are clouds. Help Describe your question in more detail here (at least 80 characters please)
I've been stuck on level 25 in Alpha Betty for weeks. Can't seem to figure out how to drop those 5 cheeses. Any suggestions?
Level 93 AlphaBetty Saga
What does the voice say at the beginning of Level 93? It sounds like she's saying "A Queensland word" or "A Queenston word".
Computer loads AlphaBetty, won't highlight letters
This may be an issue with my computer, but can you give me a suggestion to correct? I can load AlphaBetty with no trouble, but I cannot get it to highlight the letters to form words. Nothing happens when I click on the letters. Could this be an issue with flash player, maybe I need an update? I have the same trouble trying…
I can not pass Level 89 on Alphabetty Saga
Every time I play a word on this game when I reach 16 moves and play a word it removes moves to 11 moves which makes it impossible to pass the level...............GRRRRRRRRRRRRR very frustrating and annoying !!!
Why is my level 59 different?
My wife and I are both on level 59. I have to bring down 11 cheeses, but she only needs to bring down 7. Why?
How can I accept help to unlock episodes? I get the help and click to accept but nothing happens.
This is the second time I have had this problem and have had to wait the 2 plus days to play again. Getting very frustrated and tired of bombarding my friends with the same request.