Unable to get back to my level
I am unable to return to my level on Farm Heroes Saga. It says all the time "there was a connection error. Try again in a bit." when I try to connect it to facebook. My connection is super fast. I have tried mobile data too, still same issue persisting. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game, it's still the same…
Ik heb tot twee x toe voor 7.99, 50 goudstaven gekocht maar de goudstaven zijn niet bijgeschreven. De eerste keer dacht ik dat ik het verkeerd had, dus een tweede x gekocht. En wederom niets bijgeschreven, dat terwijl het geld wel af is geschreven van mijn bankrekening!! Hoe verder?
My game team with error
🤣😂 I've been stuck on 1580 for days. Can't get the 8 eggs - chicks together.
How can I delete inactive friends from my list?
I can't seem to find an answer to this question anywhere, I hope I can get the answer here. Thank you!
My beans have disappeared
I had thousands of beans and they are gone
how do i update farm heroes saga
how do i update games
Why am I not getting any of the Reward levels anymore?
I was getting them every 15 levels but I haven't had one since level 1110. I am now at level 1193 and I'm still not getting any Reward levels. What's going on??
Lost All My Power Ups Had Over 30 Now I Have To Start Over
Had Over 30 Now I Have To Start Over..I'm On My PC..When Do I Get Them Back
Edit post on another device don´t work
@QueenB I wrote and posted a comment yesterday. Using my computer. I turned of the computer but realised that I needed to edit my post. So I used my phone android, motorola. I signed in and edit the post. Today, using computer, I looked in the thread and I saw that my comment was not edited. So I edited it on my computer.…
Mám dotaz já i můj přítel hrajeme farmu velice rádi, ale narazili jsme na pár maličkostí které nám n
Mám dotaz já i můj přítel hrajeme farmu velice rádi, ale narazili jsme na pár maličkostí kterym nerozumíme. Například se nám stalo že přítel poslal žádost o život své přátele, a když jsem se po chvíli koukla abych mu život poslala žádná žádost tam nebyla. Za druhé jsem mu v jiném případě život poslala a on mu nepřišel. Za…