Fairy Dash reward glitched out
I hope I format this question/problem correctly, I've never posted here before, so: I play Bubble Witch 3 on my iPhone and have it up to date. I was supposed to win first place in the fairy dash on level 1020, but something glitched out. I thought it might resolve in a few days or perhaps with an update (I've had issues in…
Bug or feature?
Since I've entered level 1560 or so there is no rank at the end of the level and I get this stupid and annoying explanation for the additional hats. Bug or feature? I could live with the invisible ranking but the "groundhog day explanation" is a PITA.
How do I collect more stars?
I can't collect any more. Unfair Event
How can i retrieve the levels i lost as had to download again ?
Ive tried to log in but although its accepting my user name its not accepting my email address and its not changed !
M Gold Bars Bundle Package (Bubble Witch 3 Saga)
Я прошу возврата за пакет Am Gold Bars Bundle (Bubble Witch 3 Saga), который я никогда не получал, и вы сняли 1390,00 рублей с моей кредитной карты, и я отправил вам скриншот, который вы просили
how can I connect window app to my facebook in window10?
how can I connect, window app to my facebook in window10?
Avatar not showing
Why can't I see my avatar in the first picture? Shouldn't it come out like the second picture?
Tips on Level 1619?
I know some levels are "Hard" but some are "Impossible". This level is impossible. I've been playing for 4 days and haven't come close to finishing it, not once.I've used all the available boosters and 3 extra bubbles with no luck. On a good board I can usually get to 150 Bubbles left on a good one under 100 my record is…
(Unsupported Language) Niveau
Bonjour j ai un soucis j ' étais arrivé au niveau 386 OU 387 j ai arréter le jeu le lendemain surprise le jeu et remis a 0 comment doit je faire pour retouvé mon jeu svp merci
Ad watch random move reward
Hello. Upon watching an ad, there is supposed to be a free random move. Why is this failing?