Tiffi can’t believe it
That same morning as Tiffi is on the way to help some players she takes a short cut through the park. She is still half asleep so when she sees two very young turkeys having a conversation she thinks that she must be dreaming. She rubs her eyes and looks again. Yep they are still there and they are talking! What’s going…
Chewy offers them help
They continue their search and end up on the street where the twins, Chewy and Arthur live. Chewy just happens to walk outside at the same moment that they turn the corner onto his street. He hears the three of them talking. No way! How can turkeys and pigs talk? Chewy has seen and heard some strange things in life but…
Chewy helps them write a message
Tom begins to write the note but it’s getting pretty messy. Chewy asks Tom if he’d like some help with the sign. Tom gets the biggest smile on his face. “What do you want it to say,” asks Chewy. Tom tells Chewy that he really needs to convince people not to eat meat such as turkey and ham for the holiday. Chewy puts on his…
Time to start protesting
No one appears to be on the street but maybe some people will come by soon. Tom begins shouting in a loud voice. “No more turkey, only vegan food this Thanksgiving,” shouts Tom. “Stay away from ham, veggies only this year.” Squiggle has never walked as much as he has this morning. He is exhausted. “Hey Tom, can I please…
What’s vegan?
Mr. Toffee calls his daughter Tiffi but she doesn’t answer the phone. He is very curious now to find out what vegan is all about and what food they eat. He calls Kimmy but she’s not home either. He decides to make a phone call to Elsa. She’s on Google searching all the time so maybe she can help him. Elsa picks up her…
Elsa does some googling
Things are pretty quiet where Elsa is so she has time to do a Google search. She types in the difference between vegan and vegetarian Aha! There’s something interesting. ‘Vegans and vegetarians choose not to eat meat. However, veganism is stricter and also prohibits dairy, eggs, honey, and any other items that derive from…
What is veganism?
‘Veganism is a stricter form of vegetarianism. Vegans avoid consuming or using any animal products or byproducts. The Vegan Society define veganism as “a way of living, which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of and cruelty to animals for food, clothing, or any other…
Tiffi and Elsa chat
Elsa has had enough googling for one day. She has more than enough information to share with Mr. T. She emails it to him and then sits down to think of what story she can write next. A little while later her phone rings and it’s Tiffi calling her. “Hi Tiffi, what’s going on?” Elsa asks. “Your father called me today to ask…
Tiffi talks to her father and Chewy
Tiffi prepares dinner for her and her father and as she is setting the table for the two of them the front door opens and Mr. Toffee is home. “Hi Dad, dinner is ready,” Tiffi says. Mr. Toffee goes to the bathroom to wash up and they sit down to dinner. “I saw something weird this morning as I was walking through the park,”…
Chewy joins in the protest
Bright and early in the morning Tiffi wakes up and gets dressed. She eats a quick breakfast and heads out the front door. She wants to see if they are still protesting today. Look at this! Chewy is protesting along with them! “Chewy, what are you doing protesting with them?” asks Tiffi. Her buddy explains to her that they…