Rip begins teaching world history
A couple of days after Tiffi visits the school and sees Rip’s classroom she meets up with Elsa and Rip. Let’s back up a bit……….. if you haven’t read how Tiffi meets up with Rip (part 1 of this 2 part story) please do so now. Ok, now let’s continue …………. Rip loves all the history facts that the girls have gathered and he…
First day of class
Bright and early in the morning Tiffi is up, dressed and has her breakfast. She realizes that she’s early but she wants to make sure that she shows up on time. She checks her phone for messages. Nope! Perhaps most of the players are going to school today. Hey this might work out better than she thought. She forgot that…
And here come the students!
More and more locker doors are opening and closing but now Tiffi doesn’t pay attention to it as she knows what the noise is all about. Some of the students start walking into the classroom. Tiffi doesn’t know where to stand or what to do so she just stays near Rip. He welcomes the students and tells them to take a seat. He…
Tiffi assists Rip
Rip hands the syllabus to Tiffi and tells her that she can hand it out to the students now. Frank comes back into the room and Rip is happy that he came up quickly. Once the papers are all handed out he begins to talk about the course structure and what he expects from the students. “We are going to be going through quite…
Elsa continues her googling
Elsa has been taking it easy all day but her easy day is doing more Google searches. If she’s going to create a story about Rip then she better get more history information to use. Time to take out her laptop again. ‘May 17, 1954: Brown vs. Board of Education (Washington D.C.) - In a landmark case involving Linda Brown of…
Tiffi stops to visit her father
Tiffi is so excited about being in the class that she has to stop at the candy store to tell her father. When she walks inside the store her father is nowhere in sight but there are two customers. “Hi, how are you doing today?” asks Tiffi. “Is there anything that I can help you with?” The man speaks out to say that they…
Tiffi wastes no time getting on Google
Did we expect her to be any different? Of course not! She goes back to the article that she was at because they seem to have the best history details. Feb. 1, 1960: Lunch Counter Sit-in (Greensboro, North Carolina) - When four African American college students – Ezell A. Blair, Franklin E. McCain, Joseph A. McNeil and…
Tiffi finds more history facts
‘June 5, 1967: Six-Day War (Middle East) - Amid escalating tensions with its neighbors, Israel launches a pre-emptive strike that destroys most of Egypt's air force. Syria, Jordan, and Iraq also attack Israel. As the war continues, Israel takes the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, captures East Jerusalem and…
Tiffi continues her search
When Tiffi wakes up the next morning she can smell fresh brewed coffee coming from the kitchen. Time to get up! Mr. Toffee has already left for the day. She checks her phone, no messages. No history class today either. Great! She will have more time to more googling. ‘Aug. 8, 1974: Nixon Resigns Out (Washington D.C.) -…
Tiffi promises herself to just read a bit more
‘June 5, 1981: AIDS Impacts America (Los Angeles) - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention publishes a report about five gay men who had been diagnosed by local physicians with a rare form of pneumonia – the first reported U.S. cases of what would later become known as HIV/AIDS. The autoimmune disease spread…