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Our boy is a year old next month...on my youngest daughters birthday.
He is just starting to be a bit more affectionate, I am getting more leg rubs and head bobs than ever and when he is sleepy he demands we rub his tummy by lifting paws and lying on his back till he has had enough and then chews us instead. I gave him more treats to encourage him to come in (as he was staying out all day and most of the night) and now everytime I rustle, he jumps onto my keyboard and climbs all over me to see what I have even if its not his. He is actually my eldest daughters cat but the last few days has ignored her to give me loving heh heh. He likes being fussed while he is eating when he first comes in...he is always more affectionate when he has been outside and even though he doesn't want to come in, comes back to say hello and make sure we are still here before vanishing out again.
He likes hiding under daughters bed to sleep and will move if we can find him to stroke him so we can't. He alternates between allowing affection and being plain rude 🤣We also have many many arguments and then long conversations about is he a good boy, yes he is a good boy.