I can't break my piggy bank and ot says its full. I am also not receiving any messages or lives that
Are being sent to me. I don't know what eles I can do. I have done all the suggested thing for trouble shooting the problems and I'm having no luck. I'm on candy crush jelly and using my mobile android phone.
Pb on Level 476
When i start this level with candy blast bomb and double fish , immediatly there's no more possible moves and i loose both bonuses and lives! Boring situation... please give me back at least my losts bonuses ( 2 of each!)
I'm currently playing Jelly saga on both phone and iPad. I can't get passed level 140 on my iPad
I'm currently playing Jelly saga on both phone and iPad. I can't get passed level 140 on my iPad ( even though it shows I've got 3 stars) but phone has et me move on To further levels?
CC Jelly will not unlock level 41
Still stuck trying to unlock level 41, count down timer never moves from 3 days. This happens no matter what computer I sign into facebook from, and no matter what browser I use on that PC. Is anyone from King ever going to respond as you are the ones that have to fix this
I inadvertently bought something and had no idea what until I got a bill from iTunes...
I was on my phone and was busy doing things and had CC Jelly Saga open and noticed that it was purchasing something as my thumb was resting on home button...I was really dumbfounded as I looked down and saw "purchase confirmed"??? Well I found out it was for some sort of Piggy bank pack (don't even know what that is...)…
I am playing candy crush jelly saga, spent money so I could get past level 40,still not working.
My 3 day timer kept resetting at level 40, so I spent money to get the gold to get past it, the payment went through, the gold is there, and it will not let me spend it to get past the level.
Candy Crush Jelly won't move on
I advanced to level 40 and couldn't pass. The pop up said I had to ask friends or wait three days. My friends didn't help so I waited the 3 days. This morning it was down to 3 hours. Now, it says 3 days again. If that's how this game works, I'm tempted to delete it.
3 day timer keeps resetting
Windows 10, Facebook, Google Chrome.... been over a week now and it keeps resetting the 3 day timer to get to the next level. Have left several messages and no response for days now. Should call this DON'T CARE.KING. Why is this issue listed dozens of times over the last year, and yet NOT ONE solution is posted. Just a…
Not receiving Boosters
Twice I paid for the $6.99 booster pack special, and both times, I merely received gold, no boosters. Please advise
Timer at level 60 has been stuck on 3 days for over a month
Timer at level 60 has been stuck on 3 days for over a month. How do you advance to level 61 when the timer doesn't count down?