PLEASE HELP!! New ep. won't let me play :'(
It's been almost a week now, and I can't get onto the newest episode which starts at 1956, but my friends can!?!?! I've sinked my FB with King and it still won't allow me to move onto the new episode and play any levels which are open???
Have purchased goldbars and already paid for it.However i can not find my goldbars i have bought!
Can someone tell me how or where i find goldbars.Already contacted king.They answered me that they will contact me.So far no responce and no goldbars.
my phone and my computer do not synchronised
in my computer i am in level 1890 and on my phone level 1895 and do not synchronised
E-Error= Error #1502][CCS error message: Something went wrong after a saga api call: https://candycr
How come wen I log in to play I get this error message .. E-Error= Error #1502][CCS error message: Something went wrong after a saga api call: https://candycrush.king.com/api/gameStart2 with params: arg1=9&arg0=130&%5Fsession=0U3AAoE0aZjHsj0HtwEj4Q%2E2&arg2=1473073092957] and I lose all gifts that were sent to me from…
Loss of Treasure chest on level 1551
I beat level 1550 and my avatar advanced on the game board to level 1551 where there was a treasure chest. I tried to click on it to open it and it would not open. I clicked on it and all around it trying to get it to open or to be able to play the level and it wouldn't do anything. I had to get out of the game and log…
Not really a question, but suggestions!!
After many months to years of my friends playing Candy Crush (CC), I finally broke down to see what the game is about - and I'm HOOKED!! Just some quick suggestions - that you genius people over there probably already thought about -- 1. Making CC a 2 player game - where you can request help or play simultaneously w/…
i have a wild treasure inbox above the first game of new level...
Can't start a new level because i have a wild treasure inbox above the first game of new level...what can i do?
I cannot access the app store to purchase gold bars! HELP
Can someone please help me, I cannot purchase any gold bars to advance to the next episode. Every time I try to purchase gold bars it says "purchase failed! no money was removed from your account."I would really like to advance to the next episode and not wait 3 days. By then the treasure chests full of boosters and…
I am on level 215 and when I clear the board it says that I have not completed all the orders. What are the orders and how do you pass this level?
Charges for what??!! A few months ago i noticed charges on my cellphone bill amounting to almost R20
A few months ago i noticed charges on my cellphone bill amounting to almost R200! Upon further investigation i found out it was my son that purchased Gold bars. As ive now blocked in app purchases,and had it password protected, i cannot fathom why i am still being charged this extra amount from KING every month!!! PLEASE…