My friends give me lives but there is no icon or anything where I can use one of them when I need it
there used to be an icon I could click on for the extra lives friends had given me, but it is no longer on my screen, I have no way to see or use any of the lives once I've used my 5 up
Playing and playing level 1934 and hardly to get the score, too little moves for a big moving. Tried to use a lot of boosters and nothing successful, very bored and tired.
Level 1941 Playing on the laptop, the meter is not moving even after using several candy's....
Something is not right on this level, I've even used all my bonus candy, nothing is registering. Cannot even make the meter show a score.... Very, very frustrating.
Why have you made level 1925 impossible to complete?
There is no way of completing this level in 40 seconds with a score of 140,000. And certainly not with all the bombs. This very well could be the end to my Candy Crush playing. I've given up. There needs to be more time.
How to restore your game level
how can you get your levels restored? I was on level 915 and was knocked back to level 1 Describe your question in more detail here (at least 80 characters please)
I was charged twice for purchasing 100 gold bars and cannot use them. Can you please refund these ch
Bought 100 bars but wasn't given any more time. And I was charged twice. Please refund the charges.
I purchased the mystery box bundle but never recieved the mystery box ???
Am I supposed to wait for the mystery box to mysteriously appear, if so, that's disappointing.
Lost over 40 levels
I've went backward over 40 levels. I waited for a recent update to see if it would give me my levels back but still nothing. I can still see the outline of the extra moves bows on the levels ahead of me where I used extra moves on those levels. I'm not playing all of those levels again. Please help Ticket-Id:3099808
Hi, how can I do to transfer Candy crush apply from a tablet to another one ?
I'd like to play Candy crush on another tablet but I can't find Candy crush saga apply. Event I find it out, I 'm afraid all my levels are not saved. Anyone to help me ?
Clicked on extra moves by mistake
Hello I clicked on the extra moves by mistake I it used 9 golf bars which I was keeping for the next round I'm don't happy that I was able to just click it without going to another option could you please let me pass the next espole without a ticket