Why does it takes so long for new updates on mobile? No new updates after 1655. It has been weeks.
I have passed level 1655 on my computer. By the time it is updated, I'll still won't be able to play on my phone. I'm not interested in playing old levels for more stars. Starting to look for a replacement.
When I play CC my picture is not the same as the FB profile pic and I want it to be the same as the
FB pic. How do I go about to change it so that it corresponds together.? It used to be synchronized before and change every time I updated my profile pic. I'm trying to leave messages with my picture. Why has it stopped doing so and how do I change it back the way it was? Is it because I'm so far ahead of all my friends?
Skpping lvls
U used to be able to buy yr way out of a lvl when u got stuck, can we still do this?? Lvl467 is doing my head in!
Candy crush saga quests
The quest option has disappeared even if you log out. We have to wait for 3 days every episode. We even ask friends but this doesn't help us.
Why are my lives gone when I go back to my game
When I get 2 or 6 free hours of play when I leave the game and come back they are all gone back to 5l lives?
i have tried to up grade my flash player a number of times and it will not up grade can you tell me
I can down load the upgrade to flashplayer but when I go to play the games it says the flashplyer needs a up grade I have done this three or four times and not getting anywhere can you help please
How can I update to 1686 on my Macbook? It has not updated for days.
I have been standing still without being able to move to 1686, playing on MacBook Air...
I am unable to reveiving friend requrest even I get some notifications and when I go to play candy c
I am unable to reveiving friend requrest even I get some notifications and when I go to play candy candy crush there is nothing even I send friend requrest to unlock next expisodes and my friends do unlock but there is shows still locked , please look into it and solve the problems.. One more thing that I have dowladed the…
I am on 1181 and can't send lives, have no profile, or at least it won't load, why?
This has been going on since level 1178. I can't send lives, no profile, getting bonus candies first game, every time I log on, no one seems to have an answer.
Why cannot play Candy Crush Saga by computer?
Why when i try to play Candy Crush Saga by computer it just playing music but did not lead me to game? What is the problem actually? i used to play by mobile but my mobile is under repair