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Build a Bot boosters available for previous levels



  • piglet301
    piglet301 Posts: 36

    Level 3

    Unpopular opinion, but I like the change to the robot booster.  I like that a failed new level only drops the booster down one level instead of  erasing it completely.  I also really like that replaying old levels does not affect the booster negatively.  Now when playing old levels for candy drops or just for fun, I can lose many times and still have the booster at the top level.  I admit I used the cheat shamelessly to get the booster easily and power through new levels.  But I always knew that was not the intent when King created the booster and expected it to be corrected eventually.  King gives away free boosters daily, keeps the game free of outside advertising and never requires payment to play.  I am at level 4489 and have never spent a dime on the game, it is possible.  I do wish they would bring back Dreamworld, timed levels and the World game.
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,947
    @piglet301 - More power to u (I mean that sincerely). You are obviously an excellent player of the game however I think you will find u are in the minority as far as the booster bot is concerned. I absolutely hated the timed levels and definitely want the old version of the booster bot/space dash back and as you can see from the many comments - a lot of people want the old way back so you don’t have to vote for the proposal.  
  • imagwai
    imagwai Posts: 32

    Level 3

    Looks like I'm out as well. I can't afford the time to each week to clear 30 impossible levels without the ability to build up some boosters to start with. It takes too long to play each week as it is. And whoever ever said this game is a way to unwind is surely joking - the game creates addiction and stress. This might be the last straw that leads me to quit, though, so maybe they've done us all a favour?
  • lawgirl
    lawgirl Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited March 2019
    Please bring back the bot boosters soon! Not only did you make this change , but all my accumulated boosters I had yesterday have totally disappeared! I give up in frustration. No way to get boosters now to help with the upper levels. Please listen to the views of your most loyal players! No fun at all now. I won 149 levels last week but not this week. I’ve given up. Why make changes to a game that so many players enjoyed as it was? Very disappointed.
  • piglet301
    piglet301 Posts: 36

    Level 3

    edited March 2019
    @bearwithme Thank you for your reply.  I agree I am in the minority, that's why I labeled it an unpopular opinion.  I just wanted to see if their were any like-minded players that might want to discuss the pros of the change.  I wasn't planning on voting on the proposal, nor will I campaign King to keep the robot booster the way it is.  I am happy with the game in either format.  Peace.
  • xblueeyes11
    xblueeyes11 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    This is just beyond HORRIBLE on what you did there King all your loyal long time paying players are leaving thanks to this crazy update with the BOT. Not playing until you bring it back! #kingsucks #horribleupdate #imonstrike #soshouldallofyou
  • Aernath
    Aernath Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I just created an account just to support this very rightful outrage.

    Don't make this King (and Activision Blizzard) 
    Please stop taking away what you have given to your players.
    It's not a clever move, you'll lose players and money.

    Instead, if it was not intended but players adapted to your game mechanics over that, you build over that behaviour, hence you support your players' incentive to play your game more. Simple logic ^^

    So, what you should have done was, to give more reason to keep playing lower levels again and again.
    For example, right from top of my head: 
    - Make playing the lower levels easier by adding an interface to enter a level number you desire to play. 
    - Make an extra challenge for completing a random lower level etc. etc.

    Long story short, if you do the right thing, you keep your players happy and earn more money in the long run too.
    Win-Win ^^

  • guxdude
    guxdude Posts: 5

    Level 2

    And stop being so deceptive about your build a bot. Everywhere it says you will keep it until you lose a level and the. It just disappears every Monday. No timer. No warning. Where is the fun in that? Also, even if you can only earn the bot booster on new levels, why can’t they still apply on replaying older levels. The fact that boosters you have earned won’t even show up on lower levels is really discouraging. 
  • Capadost
    Capadost Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Mine just updated yesterday and you can add me to the nearly 10000 that dislike/hate this update. I will be playing much less 
  • nooey
    nooey Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I also go back to the beginning to send everyone lives, but this incentive has now gone.  The harder levels are too hard for me to do without the added sweets. So goodbye CC :(
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