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New feature - Mr Toffee's Fair!



  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509
    Xarly said:
    Hi @Jami_Fagala ,

    Fair question, I appreciate it. I'll try my best to answer this as well as possible. The team is currently doing a deep analysis on this, because data and player feedback not always correlate, which is what makes things tricky in this case. As we speak, they are looking into improvements to the feature that address player feedback (for example, team members being inactive blocking other active members from progressing faster). At the same time, they are working hard on new features (like one that is coming in the near future, called the 'Soda Squad' ) that are on the way. I had the opportunity yesterday of testing two of them and provide my input from a player perspective and I think they will be very positive additions to the game (hopefully you all see them in your games soon).

    I can only ask for patience here now, which is indeed a hard thing to ask for, I get that. There are optimisations and new features on the way, but these take time. The team is truly aware of the player feedback and is trying to address it moving forward, I can tell you that. Nobody here is trying to kill the game or harm our players, quite the opposite. Again, balancing in video games is a very delicate topic, because you need to contrast players' opinions with what their behaviour is in-game as well.

    I hope this shed some light. Again, thanks for the question and if there's any other doubt, please let me know!

    I appreciate the update @Xarly.  

    It it doesn’t surprise me that the data and player feedback don’t correlate.  I’m still playing Mr. Toffee even though I don’t like it.  Why?  Because I don’t want to be one of those who is blocking the game.  

    The board I am currently on is about half completed with all three players contributing.  However it seems we are at a standstill as every tile left requires one to either use a booster or complete one or more levels.  No one seems to want to undertake those tasks.  We’ve been on this board for almost a week.  

    In the two and a half months that Mr. Toffee has been around (and I have played daily) there was one day in which I was part of a board that was completed in a 24 hr period. I can imagine that perhaps the developers thought a team could easily complete one board a day—after all, two ticks per day per player times three players equals six ticks with only four required to win.  However the reality is that given the makeup of the boards—requiring use of booster, and completion of either specific types of levels or multiple levels makes it very difficult.
    Hey @candysodacrusher

    That was indeed the idea, as you mentioned. But in reality it did not turn out to be the case, which is what they are working on addressing. For upcoming features as well, they are making sure any social element takes into account the possibility of inactive members and tries to prevent it.

    Your insights on how it was for you to complete a board is of great value as well and I'll make sure they are also passed on to the studio. (Yours @bricorn are also of great value)

    On another note and as stated in previous comments, and in our House Rules, in order to participate in this thread you need to apply those. This imply not going off-topic, not using other languages and not inciting complaints or lobbying. The repetition of any of these can lead to sanctions and potential bans. This is not something we wish to do but like, in any other forum, we need to make sure our house rules are applied for consistency and to keep this place tidy and nice for everyone to use it.

    Again, thank you @candysodacrusher and @bricorn for your feedback and for the rest, please don't hesitate to also share your thoughts and impressions on Mr. Toffee's Fair here with us. With any updates, I'll make sure I inform you all.

  • Bricorn said:
    Most interesting @Bricorn.  Those tasks are just nasty!  

    I’m on level 2677.  
    I've never seen simpler, maybe I'm just unlucky. 
    Seems really odd there is such a huge discrepancy in the types of tasks.  I’m not as far as you are, but I wouldn’t say I’m on one of the lower levels either.  

    Would love to hear from others what levels you are on and what type of tasks you are getting.  Also type of rewards.  I’ve gotten one striped lollipop and one hand switch.  All the rest have either been striped candy or wrapped candy (and the wrapped candy never shows up). They have been accompanied by some playing time with one of the boosters or some unlimited playing time.  
  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    (Edited by CM: Off-Topic)

    What does that mean? Your with your shortcuts. I'm still German who can not speak English and I do all over deb translators. It was clearer would be very helpful for me!
  • Mark_Adcock
    Mark_Adcock Posts: 119
    The usual story - way too much effort for such little reward. Even in boards with such limited space, it's amazing how many times a multitude of boosters are placed in such a way that they cannot be combined, or are no help at all, or self-destruct due to cascades or, when the game cheats (which is often), your colouring candy etc just blows up for absolutely no reason.

    Of course, the game isn't rigged or manipulated though...........much.
  • Jami_Fagala
    Jami_Fagala Posts: 71

    Level 3

    I’m on level 3120 and my toffee board looks more like candysodacrusher. It sounds like my rewards are about the same too. I have gotten a striped lollipop or a hand switch a few times but seldom. Mostly it’s the wrapped candy or striped candy with free play. Oh and I did get an hour of the color bomb once. 
  • LauraLMason
    LauraLMason Posts: 411
    The wrapped and striped candy awards are pretty worthless. They are easy enough to create on my own and do it all the time when working a level. They need to do away with those and start awarding more of the useful boosters. However, it  has been said those are the ones they want us to purchase instead! 
  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    useless for me to post, I'm being censored and my posts are deleted. Motive" off topic".
    Oh, no! I'm just saying they want to check if they get more money without the tasks. They hope to sell more boosters. Prove them wrong, please.
  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    Are there more people who have lost the gum machine and also have Mr. Toffee? I just noticed it’s gone. Did they remove something again where you can get things for free?  :(
  • boxer6
    boxer6 Posts: 92

    Level 3

    Took only one day to mess up a fun game. But can’t change it back in 3 months 
  • ISurvived
    ISurvived Posts: 50

    Level 3

    Yosca, they took everything away from me. The only way to get any  boosters is to buy from the gold ticket guy. I don't even get the daily free stuff any more.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?