I can purchase gold bars on other games but not on Alpha Betty Saga. Why?
why won't purchase go through for alphabetty saga. it keeps telling me to try again
How do I sync exactly without losing my levels?
ALPHABETTY I reached level 335 of Alphabetty and that appears to be the end on Android tablets at least. While I was awaiting the extended levels available on Facebook (I am told) I tried to synchronise from my (slow) ASUS Nexus 7" tablet to my ASUS 10". Great result - both came up with zero. I am now back at level 112 on…
BTW I have tried following the FAQ instructions to sync but no go
FAQs tell me to go to Settings/Account but when I go to Settings the only choices are "Back to Menu" "Disconnect" & "Customer Care" (which was where I was in the first place). Round in circles is the only thing I can do. HELP !!
Alpha Betty won't load
It has not loaded through facebook for a week now. I use chrome, clear my cache daily and have no trouble loading any other King games. It starts to load, allows me to invite friends and then when I x the invite friends box, there is no game only a crown at the bottom of the box that allows me to see my progress (awards…
On Alpha Betty I cannot get free gold. The free gold icon disappears the doesn't come back. I've tr
On Alpha Betty I cannot get free gold. The free gold icon disappears the doesn't come back. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app and have restarted my iPad and it still doesn't work
Does crown get used
When a line blasting letter is used and it hits a letter with a crown (not in the word made) does the crown do its thing or just get wiped out? I'm not quick enough to catch this.
I can no longer log in using King.com. I have tried on 4 different browsers, using the correct email
Can no longer log in to King.com. This goes for all games at King.com. I am using correct password and email address.
Alphabetty Saga level 134
I am on level 134. There are some letters inside a bubble with little numbers on the side of each one. When one of them bursts, it deducts my move count with what ever number was beside it. Example: letter H with a 4 beside it, I lose 4 moves when that bursts. Does anyone know how to avoid that. Do I have to hurry and…
I'm stuck at level 39 on Alpha Betty
when I make words they go to fill the mixer button (?) leaving me without enough turns to finish the game. It also can't count. I do a 4 letter word and it counts it as 5. Sometimes vice versa or doesn't count it at all. No probs until this level.
I have reached level 56 on alphabetty
It doesn't matter how many times I fully complete all the required elements including blasting all the vines it will not let me go forward I have done Level 56 for 3 weeks now and despite completely finishing I cannot move - what do I do please?