Keeps crashing
Keeps crashing on my Samsung Galaxy S4. Please help, Alphabet Betty is my #1 favorite game.
The at this device focely stopped
The gsme at this device is foced stopped
Sometimes the blank tile doesn't work. What is wrong and what do I do.
The blank tiles are only working for easy small words. I'm on level 468, I think, and sometimes it leaves out a tile when I replay the game.
(Finished) What is your favourite word? Let us know and win Gold Bars!
What is your favourite word and why? AlphaBetty Saga is full of letters and words of all kinds. Some of them nicer than others, but at times you need to be a potty mouth since the words makes a big Lines Blaster in all directions. There's always a few words that we like a bit more when playing and words that we really love…
(Unsupported Language) É da mesi che non ci sono nuovi livelli che si fa?
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You are invited to participate in a tournament with Alphabetty Saga!
All English language players are invited to participate in the tournaments with the game Alphabetty Saga. Which we organize together with other regulars from around the world. The next event will be approximately June 15. Group Information Facebook: Alphabetty Saga Español Sample format Tournament VS4
False indications, word difficult to find
I'am playing in french Alphabetty When I search a 3 letters word with no U inside, and discover the response is QUEL, I feel mocked, like tou make fun of us. Why do you group QU ? would you at minima please consider telling us it's a 4 letters word ?
Curious minds want to know - how did you learn about AlphaBetty Saga?
You might have seen people on the train or at a coffee
shop or at work creating words on their mobile
devices. Yes, they are playing AlphaBetty Saga! We would like to
know how you first learned about the game? Was it a friend? A
spouse? A sibling? Please comment below and let's learn how we all
found out about the crushing…
beating level 669
I need help beating level 669. I have been stuck on it for about 6 weeks. HELP
Level 835 and I'm done
Level 835, and I'm done. 2 10-letter w0rds, but the entire center of the board at Red letters that have to be played as last letters. Crazy. I'm not spending one red cent on this game. I'm done.