(Finished) Oh Kingsley, you did it again - New Contest!!
🏝️ New to the Community? No account yet? You can register here in just 2 seconds! 🏝️ Oh my, now that we had found the missing cards...Kingsley did it again! He was playing with the deck of cards again, and 3 cards got lost. Can you spot them? Comment where at least one of the cards are located using the spoiler feature,…
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(Finished) 🦠Staying home? Here's something to help you pass this crazy time!
Hello Adventurers!! We want to sweeten up this time- follow this link to the King Community and win some shiny Gold Bars for your favorite game!! You have until next Monday, 16th of March, 13:00 CET to participate. And please, please, please, stay safe. ❤️
Which is better- Pizza with Pineapple or pizza without pineapple?
There is one pizza topping that divides friends, families... and the world! The Pineapple Pizza Debate! Is pineapple on pizza acceptable? Or even delicious?🍍 Or is it disgusting? 🤢 It was time to end the discussion with a contest!
Why did my path disappear when i downloaded The game on a new phone?
How can we see our ranking Any one have done all... Im stock at the 1980...
I am not able to install pyramid solittaire on my laptop and not able to recover my progress. I am not able to see the previous levels I played. Is there a way I can get my previous progress back?
Which is better? - 💵 Money or ❤️ Love
New contest today! The Beatles sang, “All You Need is Love,” but if we are honest, they also sang "Money is what I want"... hmmm but "Money can't buy me love", can it? Make up your mind (don't be like The Beatles!) and pick a team: Would you choose love or money?
(Finished) Win Gold Bars - Can you find the matching cards? Round 1!
Find the matching cards and win the Gold bars 🙌🙌 Post here below which two cards you pick and think is a match. For example "I choose cards A1 and B2". Please note that you can only make one pick of two cards. If you post twice or pick several cards, it's only your first choice that counts. Also you can't pick the exact…
Level 628
Ok I'm really getting bored with this game now. There is more luck than skill involved