Yeti is real!
Tiffi also found some videos on YouTube so she shares one of them that she found to be very interesting. Yeti Is Real, DNA Proves It, Claims Scientist Bryan Sykes Yeti cannot understand why Tiffi had to prove to some characters that Yetis are real. After all, both he and his niece are real Yetis. But then again, knowing…
Tiffi and her friends meet at the King studio
Fast forward ……………….. and Yeti is now living back in Candy Town. The Candy Crush Friends Saga studio contacted him when they were seeking characters to help the players with their new game. The End …. For now! Start at the beginning – Look it’s a Yeti!
Do NOT call her a horse!
Misty the Unicorn is blessed with the kind of unparalleled self-importance you’d expect from a rare, beautiful creature. So, whatever you do, do NOT call her a horse. Let’s begin our story with some trivia ….. Misty is 13 years old. She lives in Minty Meadows but has also been seen in Candy Town. She is oblivious to what…
Tiffi and Misty reminisce
One sunny afternoon, Tiffi is heading home after helping the players. She is exhausted so she decides to rest for a bit in the park. She sees Misty approaching and waves to her to come over. “Tiffi, are you ok?” questions Misty. “You look so down in the dumps. Are you sick?” Tiffi explains that she’s just exhausted from…
What wonderful memories!
Misty had forgotten about the time that Tiffi came to the rescue when she lost her horn. “I remember going to the Sweet Surprise party and how startled you were when we screamed “Surprise!”. “I don’t know why Olivia was so upset when Chewy jumped out of the cake and a part of the cake broke off. Remember when you needed my…
Sharing more memories
“Tiffi do you remember our Peppermint Party?” Misty questions. “We all got together for New Year’s Eve and we were counting down to the new year. I remember how frightened I was when I saw that candy corn floating in Custard Coast. It looked like a shark’s fin. You grabbed the candy corn to prove to me that it was just…
Misty remembers Soda World
The girls are thirsty, so they take a break. Tiffi tells Misty that she is going across the street to get a bottle of water and asks if she would like anything. Misty thanks her but says that she’s fine. Misty is enjoying the sun and warm weather. It’s about time that it warmed up since it’s almost the end of May. Suddenly…
Misty remembers what Cupcake Carl did to her
“Did I ever tell you about the time when I was in the Cotton Candy Clouds?” questions Misty. “Cupcake Carl had ensnared me in a layer of frosting. That character is evil! He used a layer of solid cake frosting and it covered my hooves. He was holding me hostage and the players had to play my ‘Save Misty’ event to free…
Tiffi begins her Google search
Forget dinner! Tiffi is very curious and wants to get some answers so she heads on over to her computer and goes directly to Google. She is not sure what to type in for this search so she just types “history of unicorn”. ‘Unicorn, mythological animal resembling a horse or a goat with a single horn on its forehead. The…
In the bible it says …………..
Tiffi continues reading the same article. ‘Certain poetical passages of the Bible refer to a strong and splendid horned animal called reʾem. This word was translated “unicorn” or “rhinoceros” in many versions of the Bible, but many modern translations prefer “wild ox” (aurochs), which is the correct meaning of the Hebrew…