Unicorns are considered mythical animals
‘The meanings of the word Unicorn can be traced back to Middle English via Old French and come from the Latin unicornis. Broken down, uni means ‘single’ and cornu means ‘horn’. Simply put, a unicorn is defined as an animal with one horn. Unicorns are generally considered mythical animals and are typically represented as a…
It’s true, they do exist!
‘It’s true – unicorns DO exist, they’re just not quite the elegant, white ponies you imagined… A ground-breaking fossil discovery could prove that the extinct ‘Siberian unicorn‘ lived much later than previously thought – walking the Earth with humans. Scientists had believed the Elasmotherium sibiricum died out 350,000…
National animal of Scotland
A couple of hours later, Tiffi is back on her computer, and she comes across a very interesting video - Amazing and Surprising Facts about The Unicorn -The national animal of Scotland Unicorn She had no idea that the unicorn is the national animal of Scotland. It’s totally amazing how much she can learn from these…
Unicorns are wonderful creatures
‘Among other things, unicorns often represent freedom, magic, purity, and innocence. Their beautiful white coats and their pearly manes and tails reflect this. The image of the unicorn, white in the gloom of a forest, is obviously enchanting to many, and I would love to see one creeping through my garden at dawn! Unicorns…
Unicorns in mythology
‘Unicorns have represented life and joy in many different cultures over time. The Chinese, Greeks, Persians, and many others refer to similar creatures bearing a single horn and magical powers, though sometimes under a different name like Qilin, the Chinese Unicorn. Sighting one of these mythical creatures brought great…
Horses of Healing
‘Unicorns are perhaps most notable for their horns, usually portrayed as straight, spiraling single horns. These give them their name, which literally means one horn. The horns are said to have magical powers. Many stories suggest that touching a unicorn’s horn will bring healing or good fortune.’ Tiffi stops for a moment…
A New Coat of Color – Rainbow Unicorn
‘Many of the things which unicorns represent have not changed throughout history. They are still considered fleet-footed, springy creatures that show themselves only to innocent, pure people. Their coats have remained pure white, occasionally with silver overtones. They continue to delight people of all ages, picking their…
Dear Diary, I remember the time ..…
We all have some background knowledge about our Bubblegum Troll, but let’s review it here. He has a light pinkish colour body with a gold or grey pin for his arms. He resembles a stretched piece of bubblegum as he has a stretched rear area. He is 44 years old and 3’ 3” tall. He lives under the Bubble Gum Bridge in Candy…
Chewy is not happy
Poor Bubblegum Troll. All he wants is a little respect. He sees himself as a dashing hero, yet he is stuck in a body made of a short wad of chewing gum. A game piece from the original Candy Kingdom game, he is the only one in Candy Town who remembers the time before Mr. Toffee arrived. He is obsessed with his own (dubious)…
Chewy begins to write in his diary
Back at home, Bubblegum Troll opens up his new diary. But now he has to decide what to write. He decides that he is going to start using the name that the game players voted on in the King Community. Maybe if he starts using the name Chewy then it might be the beginning of a big change in him too. “hmmmmmmmmmm,” he…