Lost progress
Lost levels and now back to 1. Please help thanks. 1 was on level 700+ and have dropped back to 1
Gold bars gone for no reason
Yesterday I had 11 gold bars and today they were gone except for 5. Why? I didn't use them.
Need to have you insert my face in all the face boxes.
My face does not show up in the face boxes. Please put my face in all the boxes.
Level 1828 is impossible to complete in only 50 seconds.
level 1828 is frustrating to play with only 50 seconds. I'm going to quit after playing all this time. Grr!!!
Candy crush Boosters not syncing! iPhone and iPad. Any ideas????
Just wondering why my boosters on my iPhone don't sync with my boosters on iPad?
Game crashing
cant even get on cc to play most days as loads so far then kicks me out. I have enough space on my iPad, have got all up dated software and have deleted and reinstalled game. What's going on, it's almost as if too many people are playing it at anyone time, maybe cc needs to purchase better software so players can actually…
back to level 1 on mobile phone 566 on pc help
since up dating to ios 10 on my mobile my candy crush has gone back to level 1 on my pc its still on level 566 any idea how to re synch it i have tried everything on here nothing works help thank you
Lost progress back to level 1
Even though I'm connected to Facebook, all of my progress has been lost, I cannot see any of my info or any friends, and I cannot receive messages. I've tried deleting the app and re-istalling but it has not fixed the problem.
I also purchased the mystery box bundle (twice) and did not receive a mystery box either time.
Purchased the mystery box bundle for $15.99 twice. Once yesterday and once today. Never received the advertised mystery box on either purchase. That is false advertising. Either refund both purchases or produce the boxes as advertised. After all the glitches and technical errors and gold bars that disappear and levels that…
Facebook sync without reinstall android?
Hello, about a month ago I changed my facebook password and have not been able to sync candy crush. Since then I have made a lot of progress (currently level 1302) so I do not want to reinstall the app. Any other way to sync. Background: I get the green check mark, but it says I cannot access the kingdom right now. Any…