How do I get past level 919
Stuck on Level 919.
Technical request
When I have a support request, do I enter it here or in my "comments" section? I've done it before but just entered it in a couple of places because I'm not sure. I have finished all the levels again and would like to be reset to level 1. My request has been entered in my "comments section" as well. Thx.
why does level 339 take away moves?
level 339 takes away moves. why?
How do you use lives?
I can't figure out how to use the lives I have? When should I use them?
Why do I Lose Moves?
Can someone please tell me why I get moves taken away on certain levels? This seems to happen most often on the "find a word" levels. Sometimes it happens when I use a booster, and sometimes for no reason that I can tell. Thanks.
🐭 Professor Alpha's did you know!
👪 New to the Community? Register here in just 2 seconds! 📱 Want to play AlphaBetty? Download it from your app store HERE If you browse to page 1250 in Professor Alpha’s Book of everything, which you can read more about here, you can find the following facts about AlphaBetty Saga: -AlphaBetty Saga is the only word game from…
Is there a problem with the game
On level 812. Need 7 x 8 letter words, get close, but the game is accepting 3 letter words before I can put other letters in... How can I overcome this???
Level 920
I completed level 920 In AlphaBetty quite some time ago...when are new levels coming?
🐭 Meet Professor Alpha, Betty, Barney and Doctor Zed!
👪 New to the Community? Register here in just 2 seconds! 📱 Want to play AlphaBetty? Download it from your app store HERE If you play or have ever played AlphaBetty Saga you have surely met these three mice characters. So let's get to know them a bit closer! This is Professor Alpha He is the world's leading collector of…
Please help 628
Help on level 628. Stuck for weeks