🐭 Hints and tips from an AlphaBetty pro player
👪 New to the Community? Register here in just 2 seconds! 📱 Want to play AlphaBetty? Download it from your app store HERE Hello again, smart mice! We're back with some more interesting facts and tips about our Game of the Month: Alphabetty. And who better than our Game Expert @abe_coffee to tell us more about it? First,…
Is there any way to go back to previous levels in Alpha Betty?
I hit a level that I find incredibly annoying. There is one puzzle that has WAY too few turns to get two given words where the letters aren't disclosed until you've cleared enough bonus letters. While I will continue to work at it, it would be nice to go back to earlier levels and try to improve my scores on games where I…
How do you unlock the locks at the screen where you hit play before the level and what are they!?
I figured I'd have to pass a certain amount of levels before unlocking them but I'm on 132 and still only one is unlocked.
Nivel 548
(EDITED by CM - Unsupported language)
Level 885
Hello! I am blowing up level 885 EXCEPT for the 9 letter words. I have played for days and days - probably close to 100 times and I have only made 1 9 letter word. I’ve had words that are compromised of 5 or more blasters and no luck. What’s the trick? thank you!
I need the guide on how to play alfabetty
Level 669
About to delete Alphabetty from my tablet. Been trying to pass this level for months....help?
alphabetty 659 too hard
I have played this level for several days. Doesn't give good letters. Once one side only had constants. Sometimes too many vowels or X or X or Q or multiples of them. How to get diagonal line going the right direction in middle of bottom row to knock out cheese 1? If get one have to use it as only way to make word.No…
Level 509
looking to get three stars on level 509. Have beaten it with two stars and super close to 3 but can’t manage it for some reason. Driving me crazy! Any tips?
Blank tiles not working on many levels
On numerous levels in Alphabetty Saga, the yellow blank tiles do not work. If you try to use one to spell a word, it doesn't register. Today I tried W-blank tile- G for example and no word was given. This seems to only happen in levels where you need to find the letters but it is in ALL such levels. Please fix this bug…