How do I get on 1371
I can’t get the on 1371
Scores of other players
I am playing pyramid solitaire through the King email logon and not Facebook. I have played for years and I recently had to reinstall the ap. I see all my friends on the map, and I can give and receive lives, but I know longer see other players' scores when I solve a puzzle. How do I get this feature back to see the scores…
Can't log into the game
I can log into the King Community website with my email and password, but cannot log in through the Pyramid Solitaire app. I was up to a very high level with a lot of resources and now I’ve lost everything. What is happening and how can I get my game back???
Pyramid solitaire saga
I've been trying to send lives on my friends list in Pyramid Solitaire saga but it seems that all of the names on there have disappeared so I can't send lives. Why did they disappear and how do I get them back? Any ideas? Thanks for the help!
Everything zeroed out
New episode 176 New level 2677 Nothing changed on my android phone, no recent updates to the game (other than the new episode), everything (boosters, jokers, scepters, extra cards) is zeroed. I had 101, 348, and 345 in the boosters, 99!, 99!, and 78 in the jokers, scepters, extra cards. now zero across the board. Imagine…
My wifi won't stay on keeps turings then goes off . Don't have all my lives that people have sent me
What do mean. ? Tips on level 195
What is answer to my question? What is answers to contact team members i
I cant pass the level 183 for nothing..ive been trying for a week now
The friends to ask for lives is not working
So was is wrong with it
Why am I getting announcements that I don't have internet connection?
I am not able to get my rewards and additional lives from friends.