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I need help with lost progress! (Under investigation)!



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    I'm doing the happy dance!  Thanks @sampleps for letting us know.
  • simmonslouise82
    simmonslouise82 Posts: 6

    Level 1

    Ok I’m playing on my mobile device through Facebook, but it’s linked to my sons Facebook account an can’t seem to get mine back! I’ve tried to uninstall an log out an back in but still can’t find my game! I’m devastated! Maybe it’s because my son uses my email address to login for Facebook so when I pressed log in via Facebook it automatically linked it to my sons which has never happened before. Thanks for your help 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    If he uses your email address then I'm almost positive that is why it happened.  What one of you has to do is to create an account with a different email address.  Before you do that I want you to get your user ID # from the steps here.  Is he using the same password as you?  One of you has to set up an account with a different email address and password.  Don't worry about the progress because we can get that straightened out.  Get the user ID # and let me know if you are both using the same email and password.  Also let me know which one of you is going to create a new email account and what level you were at.
  • simmonslouise82
    simmonslouise82 Posts: 6

    Level 1

    edited October 2019
    Hi my user I’d is 9671959518

    I can change email address an password I can’t remember exactly what level I was but I’m thing it was around the thousand does that sound right? 
  • simmonslouise82
    simmonslouise82 Posts: 6

    Level 1

    Same email but different password but also he uses another email
    too which is why I’m confused ? Bit my email for Facebook 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Please do me a quick favor and edit out your message.  Take out your email address because you don't want crazy people writing you.  The user ID # is a long number.  Follow the directions in the link that I mentioned above.  You are going to be looking for the number which is directly on the top.  You have to double click on the King logo and then your number will show up.  Please don't post your number here but hold on to it. 

    Have your son stop using your email address and start using his.  We can get his progress changed too.  But he also needs to get a user ID #. 

    Get your # and when you have it, I am going to have you complete this contact form here

    They can manually go into your new account and get you back to where you were.  It might take a couple of days before you get a response so please be patient.  You should get an email with a ticket number on it.  Please make sure to use this topic and subtopic when completing the form.

    Now as far as your son's game.  Please have him go to and create an account with his email address.  Once he is in then he needs to get his user ID # and then he can complete this same contact form. 

    It might sound like a lot but it's really not too difficult to get back on track.

  • Sarafoff76
    Sarafoff76 Posts: 5

    Level 1

    edited October 2019
    I still can not get my levels back. I am on level 3150 and I have coins and boosts as well showing up on my kindle fire, but not on my phone since the app update
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Ok thanks for letting me know.  It might still be a glitch for some.  A couple of players said that reinstalling brought their progress back but if yours didn't come back then it might still be a glitch.  I am keeping track of how many say it works vs not works.
  • Sarafoff76
    Sarafoff76 Posts: 5

    Level 1

    Yeah I tried that and it was a no go for me
  • jacksont
    jacksont Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Please help all levels lost the game has put me back to level q

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